Wednesday 2 June 2021

The Big Bang Theory- A Netflix Series Review

The Big Bang Theory is one of the best comedy series. It is streaming in Netflix. It has twelve seasons. Initially, I have thought that it is a sci-fi but it is a sci-fi comedy. It is a new genre. We have seen sci-fi thriller, sci-fi action etc. I think it is the first one which belongs to sci-fi comedy.

Let's go for underlying theme.  It is about the life journey of four nerds. It deals with their life journey such as their failed relationships, their achivements etc. It is portrayed in a fun way.

Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj are the nerds. They are not acted; they lived. These people give the lives for the characters. The creators use many scientific principles to create rational comedies. 

Penny, Bernedette, Amy and Stuart are another spicy addition in this series. No wonder this series become enjoyable and entertaining one. Very few places contain adult jokes but it does not matter.
A salute for the creators Chuck Lore and Bill Prady. Overall The Big Bang theory is an American Sitcom, a meaningless meaningful excellent comedy series and it is worth to watch.

Imdb - 8.1/10
Sharkz Scale 8/10

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