Saturday 10 July 2021

Fear Street- Part two 1978- A Netflix Movie Review

 Fear Street Part two 1978 is an another body slasher film and it is a sequel. It is streaming in Netflix. On behalf of continuation of first part, the sequel is a good one.

This second movie in this triology deals with group of teens try to unravel the mysteries behind the Shadyside curse. As usual the movie has body slashing scenes, violence and an erotic scene etc. So, it has all the qualities of slashing movies.

Even though, we have seen these plot in various films, this film succeeds through the engaging screenplay. The first part ends with the introduction of the survivor C.Berman and the second part begins with the introduction of C.Berman.

The final twist is unexpected and last 45 minutes arises the curiosity among audience. The lead to the third part at the end gears the expectations. The director and the music composer showed their creativity throughout the entire film. The character Cindy scores high in this film.

Overall, Fear Street part two 1978 is an engaging sequel and it creates hype for the next part. It is worth to spend time but not with family.

Imdb 6.8/10

Sharkz scale 7/10

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