Friday 1 April 2022

Marvel's Moon Knight - First Episode Review

 In recent days, web series are far more better than the movie. Marvel's Moon Knight is an another example for this statement. Steven grant is working as a staff in a museum and he is interested in the Egyptian God Myths. He started to experience some illusions. He cannot identify the difference between real and reel. The remaining episode/seasons will deal the answers.

Apart from making and all other aspects, there are two real heroes in this series. Firstly, Issac who acts as Moon Knight and then the director cum writer of this one. We have been watching several super-hero genre with the same pattern but they have shown some difference in this.

The screenplay writing is awesome and it is entirely in a new way. As this is the first episode we do not know much about the other characters' role. The final part of Moon Knight is the goosebumps moment. Overall, Marvel's Moon Knight is 100% worth to stream it in your device.

Imdb 8.5/10

Sharkz Scale 9/10

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