Sunday 8 May 2022

Russian Doll Season 2- A Netflix Series Review

 Russian Doll season one have dealt with the 'Time Loop' and the second two deals with the 'Time Travel Portal'. The second one starts on Nadia's birthday and accidentally she has happened to travel through time portal.

She have travelled to her own traumatic past life. There she tries to deal with the problems in her mother's life. This season is emotional and psychological rather than a gripping tale.

As usual, Natasha and Alan has given their performance at their best. It must be told as gripping one . Sometimes we are unable to connect with the characters. Sometimes the audience feel like that they wouldn't care about the incidents in the series.

This is the difference between season one and two. There are eight episodes in this series. If you want to pass your time, this series is a good choice. Other aspects like background score, cinematography are in an optimistic way.

Overall, Russian Doll Season 2 is not a gripping like season one but a worthy one to try a shot.

Imdb 7.8/10 (season one)

Sharkz Scale 6/10

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