Thursday, 28 July 2016

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

          The Metamorphosis is a short novel by Kafka. It was translated from German language in the year 1946. The novel is identified as a work of existentialism. The notable thing is that the novel set in the period of World War. Kafka portrayed the mentality of a common person and his feelings.

          One morning the Protagonist Samsa became a bug. From the time his life became a tragedy. His family members were alienated him.They became selfish and neglect him. They imprisoned in a dark room and they would not allow him outside. Several characters like maid were come and went. Nobody was willing to help him except his lovable sister. Gradually his sister lost his interest in maintaining the dark room. After the permanent sleep of Samsa the family forgot him and they became happy.

          The author portrayed the struggles of working class life through the characters Samsa and his father. Even the love making between his mother and father became mechanical. Samsa's family was the good example during the period of war. The people's opinion on urbanization and globalization is terribly portrayed. The struggles of working class, absence of love, loss of humanity was pictured by Kafka.

          If you get the opportunity to read The Metamorphosis just read and loss in author's bliss of language.


 Kafka, Franz, and A. L. Lloyd. Metamorphosis. New York: Vanguard, 1946. Print. 

Friday, 22 July 2016

Life is your what you write...

Whats app and Hike becomes one of the major applications in our daily life. It is the place people are exploring their feelings, sometimes they are exploring their inner feeling through their status. Here are some interesting collection of some of my friend's statuses..

1.You are the sunshine that makes my day.

2.If you can dream it, you can do it.

3.Beginning is always harder.

4.I am here not to be average, I am here to be awesome.

5.With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything.

6.God will make a way, when there is no way.

7.Memories are timeless treasure of life.

8.I am fire, try to come closer.

9.I am selfish, because I will never share you with anyone.

10.Everything is possible;be bold.

Interesting isn't it. Somehow I made a post from my friends' status. Please don't tell them...

          - to be continued

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Let's go to Success

There is a difference between conceit and confidence. Conceit is bragging. Confidence is believing you can get the job done.
 - Johnny Unitas

It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.
 - Vince Lombardi

Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.
 - G.K. Nielson

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others.
 - Socrates

Success doesn’t come to you. You go to it.
 - Marva Collins

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
 - Mark Twain

Sunday, 17 July 2016

What is 'not Love'?

"Luv is not about the Words😋 ,
Luv is not about the Sex💏 ,
Luv is not about the msg's or phn calls
Luv is not about the Gifts or Presents 💌
Luv is not about the looks or money u have
Luv is not about the Age or colour of ur Skin
Luv is not about the Hugs or Kisses u give
Luv is not To Use Boy as Security
Luv is not To Use Girl for Satisfaction ,
Luv is not a Game to play
Luv is not a fame to have
Luv is the Beautiful feeling between the 2 Souls , Which never end even thou ur Body burn's into Ash  .
Ur Heart crushed into pieces .

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Feminism and The Cinderella Complex

          The Women's movement was started from the following famous books: The Vindication of Rights of Women, The Second Sex, The Subjection of Family etc (1960's). Moreover in the concept of feminism several new ideas were pointed out by various artists. For example, Showalter`s three phases, Ecriture Feminine from Julia Kristeva, Debates and Arguments in The Second Sex and so on.

What is Feminism?

Feminism claims equal rights including voting, owning property, liberty, education, political influences, maternity leave, in marriage. It is against for women`s harassment. It helps to protect a girl from rape and domestic violence.

Another new term which is closely related to this topic is 'The Cinderella Complex`.

The concept of 'Cinderella Complex` is first explained by Colette Dowling. This concept deal with an unconscious desire to be taken care of others. This complex becomes more apparent when a girl grows older.

The term 'Cinderella' is derived from a fairy tale Cinderella, a girl who is polite, graceful, beautiful, hardworking but she cannot change her situations and she must be helped by others. The twenty first century women are indirectly affected by this complex. Even though there are several actions are taken by Indian government to protect girls, harassment is happening. The major reason is this complex. 

It is a step by step process:

1. A boy pretends to love a girl.

2.He starts to talk with her in a genuine manner.

3.He starts to give important suggestions and this is the first step in the complex.

4.Gradually she started to depend him even for a small decision.

5. This will develop and she always expecting for his decision.

These five steps pays way for further harassment and betrayal. In the modern fiction, the characters of Indian women are mostly affected by this complex. The most recent example is Novoneel`s The Stranger Triology. An unknown stranger throws a female protagonist in this situation. She is expecting an unknown person's decision for her every moment. Girls must aware of this complex and their decision must be theirs. Their life; their decision. Do not involve other person`s influence on your life. 


      Barry, Peter. "Feminist Criticism." Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1995. N. pag. Print.
     Dowling, Colette. The Cinderella Complex: Women's Hidden Fear of Independence. New York: Summit, 1981. Print.