Sunday 26 July 2020

The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia- A Netfix Series Review

A teenage who has completed her Phd at the young age wants to explore herself apart from studies. She faces several difficulties when she tries to act as a teeneger and the controversy arises.

Paulina as Garcia acts in a cute manner. She exactly fits for role as Garcia. The other characters like Stick, Tad, Her Uncle and her friend are performed well.

It is a Teenage comedy series so there are lot of silly comedies throughout the series. Episodes are not complex, of course comedy waves are only available in a simple plot.

Unlike Friends, The 70's Show and Two and Half Men, this series has several decent comedies. It can be watched with our whole family. There are two seasons in Netflix and it is worth to watch with your family.

Overall, The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia is inspiring, funny, witty and emotional one. Entertaient guaranteed.

Imdb 6.6/10
Sharkz scale 6/10

Double World (2020) - A Netflix Movie Review

Double World (2020) is an adventure fantasy film based on an online game with the same name. It is directed by Teddy Chan. The ten plains comprise a fictional land and they declare the dead or alive tournament which symbolises the beginning of the war.

The hero and his crew try to find out the evil web behind this tournament and leads to the path of self-discovery. The director Teddy Chan and his writers worked hard and their hard work reflects in the movie.

The plot is simple so they have to write a screenplay in an engaged tone. Their beautiful writing and screenplay do their job perfectly and it is engaged. Initially, there are some lags but after it has entered into tournament the movie wheeled up and the scenes are gripping.

The CG places prominent role in the entire film. Nearly, 70-80% are the CG works and it has good in quality. The BGM is an excellent one and thanks to the music writer for his incredable work. The only drawback is the plot.  It has seen in thousands of films already and still it is constantly white washed by other film makers.

Overall,  the film is engaging, entertaining, gripping and little lagging and worth to spend your time with family.

Imdb 6.4/10
Sharkz Scale 6/10

Saturday 25 July 2020

Aristotle's Poetics Part 3 (Chapter IX-XI) - Highlights

In the last post, we have seen upto chapter VIII. In this post, we are going to continue from chapter IX.

The nineth chapter deals with the difference between a poet and historian. He says that poetry is more philosophical than history. A poetry's duty is not to talk about the past. It must be talk about what may happen. Poetry must express universal ideas like how we speak or act according to the law of probablity.

He says that the Tragedy is an imitation, not only for complete action, but also for events inspiring fear or pity.  It must be come on by surprise of events. It may be accidental or concidences.

The tenth chapter deals with the plot of tragedy.  A plot in tragedy may be simple or complex. The change of fortune takes place without Reversal of situation and without recognition, called Simple plot. A change of fortune accompaines by Reversal or by Recognition or by both, called Complex plot.

In the eleventh chapter, he talks about Reversal and Recognition. He calls the Reversal is a change in situation. He gives an example from The Odeipus Rex. He calls the Recognition is a change from ignorance to knowledge. He also adds that the best form of Recognition must coincide with the Reversal of situation.

We will begin with the eleventh chaptee from tomorrow. Thank you.

                          - To be continued

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)- Quarantine Movie Review

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) is a horror movie based on the book with the same name by Alvin Schwartz. It is directed by Andre Ovrdal. As a book, it created several controversies in the society because it contains several disturbing elements. It is also considered as the most challenging book in 1990's and 2000's.

The plot is simple. A group of friends interrupt into a haunted house and they have found a scary book. Suddenly, the story starts to happen in real. The group tries to stop the demonaic and they unravel the mystery behind the book.

In the deep, the movie teaches us a story can make a man or it convert one into devil. It depends on our approach. The movie has not scary jump moments but it has scary moments.

Most of the disgusting and distrubing scenes in the book is avoided due to graphic violence. As usual the music, setting and plot is good but it reminds some horror movies like The Conjuring, It.

Somehow, this movie is not a cliche and it is worth to watch. The actors are performed well and it is a slow burn too. The movie gives some lead to sequel at the end. The book version contains three parts. I hope its sequel is going out to be soon.

Overall, Sacry Stories to Tell in Dark is gripping, gruesome, strong, powerful, disturbing, disgusting in some cuts and also engaging.

Imdb 6.2/10
Sharkz scale 6/10

Thursday 23 July 2020

Aristotle's Poetics (chapter VI-VIII) - Highlights

This is the continuation of previous post Aristotle's Poetics. This post is going to deal with the highlights of the chapters six to ten.

In chapter six, he talks about the Tragedy. Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament; through pity and fear effecting the proper purgation of these emotions. In the aspect of medium, means harmony. Song and diction are the another two aspects.

In tragedy, plot is an imitation of action; which means the arrangement of incidents. He also talks about the six parts of tragedy. They are Plot, Character, Diction, Thought, Spectacle and Song. The most powerful elements in the tragedy is Peripeteia or Reversal of the situation and Recognition- parts of the plot.

The plot is the soul of tragedy he says. Character is the second place. The third order is Thought- art of rhetoric. The fourth place is Diction- choice of words. Then the spectacle is considered as least art of poetry (the stage machinist).

The seventh chapter talks about the principle of Tragedy.

"Tragedy is an imitation of an action....and whole, and of certain magnitude"

Here, the whole means a beginning, a middle and an end. He adds that the plot must have certain length and a length can be easily embraced by the memory.

The eighth chapter begins with discussion of unities. He says that unity of plot does not consist in the unity of the hero. The imitation is one when the object imitated is one, so the plot being an imitation of action,  but one action.

So far, we've seen three chapters in this post. The Poetics post will be continued tomorrow.

Aristotle's Poetics (I to V) - Chapterwise Summary

In this post we are going to talk about some highlights regarding Aristotle' Poetics. The first chapter talks about the types of poetry.

"I propose to treat of poetry in.... vatious kinds..."

He says that Epic, Tragedy and Comedy are the basic kinds of poetry. They differ in the aspects of the medium, the objects, the manner or mode of imitation.

In the second chapter he says that poetry is a kind of imitation. He adds that the objects of imitation are men in action; they may higher or lower classes of people. Comedy aims at representing men as worse but tragedy as better than in actual life.

The third chapter deals with the differences. The medium denotes the colour and form; the object denotes the men (higher or lower); the manner denotes how they are imitated.

The fourth chapter deals with the causes of writing poetry. The first cause is an instinct and the second is an imitation of noble action and actions of good men. He gives various examples from Homer, the Illiad Nd the Odessey.

The fifth chapter deals with the comedy, an imitation of lower men. He claims that comedy is a subdivison of ugly. Epic poetry which is similar to tragedy but only differed with its metre and its narrative form. Another major difference is epic has no time limit but tragedy confine itself to a single revolution of sun.

He concludes the fifth chapter by his words, "All the elements of an epic poem are found in Tragedy, but the elements of a Tragedy are not found in the Epic poem.

I hope I have given bulleted points on first five chapters. I will post for other chapters from upcoming posts. Keep read my blog and share my blog link to your friends.

                          -to be continued...

Saturday 11 July 2020

The Old Guard (2020)- A Netflix Movie Review

The Old Guard (2020) is a Netflix fantasy action packed movie by Gina Prince-Bythewood. Andy (Charlize Theoron) leads a group of immoral army who have the healing power. Mr.Merrick tries to deal with their healing power though his pharamatics and earn money. He also justifies that this research is to upgrade humans.

The remaining plot deals with how the immortals stop the medical mafia and how they protect the world with an unexpected twisted ending. I think this is not the major plot and there will be a sequel for this film. This movie is just a kind of introduction for upcoming sequel.

The screenplay is plain but it is not bored and action sequences are good. The emotions and the pains of the immortals are portrayed well. We can predict the scenes easily but the twisted ending gives us shock. Eventhough, there is a predictablity the movie looks engaged. The BGM and making is good and the action sequences are the major positives.

There are several negatives and unanswered questions but it may be solved in the sequel. Overall, the movie is engaged, gripped, action packed, entertained and inspired with strong acting. It is must watchble with your family.

Imdb 6.8/10
Sharkz Scale 6.5/10

Thursday 9 July 2020

All that Man Is by David Szalay- The Book Review

All that Man Is is a collection of short stories written by David Szalay. The book deals with the nine tales. These tales are dealt with the concept of love, sex, money and loneliness. This was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in the year 2016.

Every story deals with the mechanical life of Europeans. The protagonists are at the different stages in their life. The narrative art adds an additional beauty for this book. Here is the gist of nine tales within a few lines.

The first story deals with the two teenagers Simon and Ferdinand and their relationship towards with a chinese women. The second story deals with the workman Bernard, a lonely man and his relationship with a woman whom he have met in his tour. The third story deals with the life of a prostitute and her relatinship with two bodyguards. The first three stories deal with sex, loneliness and lust.

The fourth story deals with an illegal affair of a couple and it becomes trivial when she announces that she is pregnant. The fifth one deals with the ethics of journalism, blackmailing and loneliness. Then, the next one deals with the concept of real-estate, a kind of people who has more money but not get enough love. These stories dealt with loneliness and money.

The seventh deals with Murray, a middle aged man and his failed relationship with his family. Then, it deals with the life of Enzo, a lonely man and the final story deals with an old man who is at the end of his life. Again, the author deals with loneliness.

The sequence of stories are beautiful and it is not bored. The entire novel looks depressed and the author maintained the same tone till the end of the pages. We can relate several things through this book. I hope this book will be enjoyable. Have a happy reading. If you read the book, kindly share your opinion.

Goodreads 3.7/5
Sharkz Scale 3.5/5

The Maid (2020) - A Netflix Horror Movie Review

The Maid (2020) is a thai horror movie directed by Lee Thongkham. An young girl gets job as a domestic maid in a rich family. After she has entered, she feels and sees negative vibes in the house. She tries to find out the dark secret and it leads to her terrific past and her connection to the house.

I do not want to discuss about the story line because it will become a spoiler. The movie may be predictable here and there but the way they narrated is excellent, particularly the flashback scene.

The movie started as a slow burner and then the plot shifted into another furious level. Yes, there is the same scenes are repeated to scare the audience but somehow it has managed to get jumping moments.

The BGM is extra-ordinary and cinematography is excellent and it creates a suitable tone for this film. Initially, I have thought this is a cliche like other horror movies but it is not.

Overall, the film is engaged us till the end. It is must watchable in this quarantine. It is adults only movie and so better to watch without your children.

Imdb 6.3/10
Sharkz Scale 7/10

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Literary Memes

As a literature student, I want to share few literary memes which I ve come across. I am sure it is really funny and informative too  I have come across these memes in an insta page. At the end of this post the link will be posted where you can enjoy unlimited memes with respect to the literature.



I hope these memes are fun. If you have time go through this page from your instagram account and please do share and follow the page. Thank you.


Friday 3 July 2020

RGV'S Naked Nanga Nagnam - Review 18+

We know that Ram Gopal Varma is the famous director and the personality. He is talented and in the most of the times, his films are unique. In the time of lockdown, RGV constantly gives some cheap short films in the name of movies. Recently he has released CLIMAX, nearly a sofycore and now it is NAKED NANGA NAGNAM.

The film opens with the couple who have always been in fight. Accidently, her servant boy seen her naked and they start to make love. Her husband sees this and they have to handle the tough situation. The only consoling thing is the climax twist (but it is not that much worth).

RGV tries to give glamourous scenes but the camera angles regarding the girl is very cheap and it is notorious. Even, it is not giving an erotic feel. Inspite, it gives awkward feeling. I have only one question for him.

"Why sir..? Why?"

The ticket charge is rs.200 anyway he has separate fan base to watch any kind of his trash. I am pretty sure he will earn lot. Today 7pm he is going to announce his another thriller's teaser composed by Keeravani, a famous music director. I hope this will satisfy the all kinds of audience. Overall, Naked is not even worth to call as a short film.

Sharkz scale 1/10