Sunday 26 July 2020

The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia- A Netfix Series Review

A teenage who has completed her Phd at the young age wants to explore herself apart from studies. She faces several difficulties when she tries to act as a teeneger and the controversy arises.

Paulina as Garcia acts in a cute manner. She exactly fits for role as Garcia. The other characters like Stick, Tad, Her Uncle and her friend are performed well.

It is a Teenage comedy series so there are lot of silly comedies throughout the series. Episodes are not complex, of course comedy waves are only available in a simple plot.

Unlike Friends, The 70's Show and Two and Half Men, this series has several decent comedies. It can be watched with our whole family. There are two seasons in Netflix and it is worth to watch with your family.

Overall, The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia is inspiring, funny, witty and emotional one. Entertaient guaranteed.

Imdb 6.6/10
Sharkz scale 6/10

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