Sunday 13 March 2022

The Adam Project (2022)- A Netflix Movie Review


The Adam Project is a sci-fi movie by Netflix and it is starred by the most handsome man Ryan Reynolds. It is directed by Shawn Levy. Adam (Ryan Reynolds) accidentally landed on 2022 from 2050. Few star soldiers have been chasing him and tracking him. Meanwhile, Adam has tried to find out his lost wife Laura (Zoe Saldana) on space. Unfortunately, he...... (No Spoilers). The remaining movie will give answers for the mysteries that they have shown at the beginning.


This movie has a pattern like... an action scene, an emotional scene and a funny scene and it repeats at the proper space. The movie is enjoyable and Ryan seems an excellent choice. The screenplay is well written. There are few minutes in the mid of the movie which seems to be bored but again it has come back to his track.

There are few logic  mistakes. All the characters are easily believed the concept of time-travel. We have seen even better movies than this. The detailed explanations are missing. They are not given much importance for the details and the concepts of time travel. Simply, they want to entertain us. They have succeed in their aim. The movie entertains us for 1.46hrs.

Overall, The Adam Project is worth to stream. If you skip it, you will miss it. It is a guaranteed family entertainer. 

IMDB 6.9/10

Sharkz Scale 6.6/10

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