Wednesday 25 February 2015

Three hours soon.....

"Sometimes, tears are a sign of happiness and smile is a sign of silent pain...."


'Better three hours too soon than a minute too late' - Shakespeare


'Kissing is more hygenic and healthier than shaking hands' - a fact


'Trust is like a paper..once it's crumpled it can't be perfect again'


'When God forgets to the some people in blood relations, he corrects his mistake by making them as friends'

Tuesday 24 February 2015


In the Heart of the Sea is an upcoming biographical thriller film directed by Ron Howard. The film stars Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, and Tom Holland. It is based on Nathaniel Philbrick's 2000 non-fiction book of the same name, about the sinking of the whaleship Essex. The film is scheduled for release on December 11, 2015.

In 1820, the whaleship Essex is crewed by Captain George Pollard, Jr., first mate Owen Chase, second mate Matthew Joy, and cabin boy Thomas Nickerson. During their voyage, the ship is sunk when it is rammed by a very large and enraged bull sperm whale, ultimately leaving its crew shipwrecked at sea for 90 days more than a thousand miles from land. After the attack, the crew sails for South America and is forced to resort to cannibalism.


Sunday 22 February 2015


Unquestionable plants on the corner road;
Enjoying liberty with polluted earth.
They aren't feeling alone
Accompany with their companions
Airs, beggars, small keepers....

Dirty water, yellow light as food
No place for caring by others.
They are feeling some sort of sorrow
Where are their parents?

My son questioned me
Where is my GRANDPAAAAA?

Still omnipotent
If I reply,
I may chance to admit OLDER HOMES
"Sorry my dear Father".

Title credits goes to E. JAGADEESH KUMAR, E&I

Saturday 21 February 2015


Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a 2009 parody novel by Seth Grahame-Smith. It is a mashup combining Jane Austen's classic 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice with elements of modern zombie fiction, crediting Austen as co-author. It was first published in April 2009 by Quirk Books and in October 2009 a Deluxe Edition was released, containing full-color images and additional zombie scenes.

Quirk Books editor Jason Rekulak developed the idea for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies after comparing a list of “popular fanboy characters like ninjas, pirates, zombies, and monkeys” with a list of public domain book titles such as War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, and Wuthering Heights.[3][4] He turned the project over to writer Seth Grahame-Smith.
Grahame-Smith began with the original text of Austen's novel, adding zombie and ninja elements while developing an overall plot line for the new material; "you kill somebody off in Chapter 7, it has repercussions in Chapter 56".[1] According to the author, the original text of the novel was well-suited for use as a zombie horror story:
You have this fiercely independent heroine, you have this dashing heroic gentleman, you have a militia camped out for seemingly no reason whatsoever nearby, and people are always walking here and there and taking carriage rides here and there . . . It was just ripe for gore and senseless violence. From my perspective anyway.

The story follows the plot of Pride and Prejudice, but places the novel in an alternative universe version of Regency era England where zombies roam the English countryside. Described as the "stricken", "sorry stricken", "undead", "unmentionables", or just "zombies", the deceased ancestors of England are generally viewed by the characters as a troublesome, albeit deadly, nuisance. Their presence alters the original plot of the story in both subtle and significant ways: Messages between houses are sometimes lost when the couriers are captured and eaten; characters openly discuss and judge the zombie-fighting abilities of others; women weigh the pros and cons of carrying a musket (it provides safety but is considered "unladylike").

Elizabeth Bennet and her four sisters live on a countryside estate with their parents. Mr. Bennet guides his daughters in martial arts and weapons training, molding them into a fearsome zombie-fighting army; meanwhile, Mrs. Bennet endeavours to marry the girls off to wealthy suitors. When the wealthy and single Mr. Bingley purchases a nearby house, Mrs. Bennet spies an opportunity and sends the girls to the first ball where Bingley is expected to appear. The girls defend the party from a zombie attack, and attraction sparks between Mr. Bingley and the eldest daughter Jane Bennet. Elizabeth clashes with Bingley's friend, the haughty monster-hunter Fitzwilliam Darcy.

The Bennets are shaken when Bingley and his companions suddenly abandon his country home and return to the walled fortress city of London with little explanation. When the local militia arrives in town to exhume and destroy dead bodies, Elizabeth becomes friendly with one of the soldiers, George Wickham, who tells Elizabeth that Darcy cheated Wickham out of an inheritance.

Elizabeth's dislike of Darcy intensifies when she learns that Darcy plotted to separate Bingley from her sister Jane. Elizabeth vows to avenge the slight to her family by killing Darcy, and she is afforded that opportunity when he appears unannounced at the cottage where she is visiting her newlywed friend Charlotte (who has been secretly bitten by a zombie and is slowly turning into one herself). Before Elizabeth can fetch her katana and behead him, Darcy surprises her by proposing marriage. The scene culminates in a vicious verbal and physical fight, in which Darcy is wounded. He escapes with his life and writes a long letter to Elizabeth explaining his actions. He separated Jane and Bingley out of fear that Jane had contracted the "mysterious plague" and with regard to the allegedly wronged soldier Wickham, Darcy explains that Wickham had attempted to elope with Darcy's younger sister to take her considerable fortune – this was the "inheritance" that Wickham had claimed. Elizabeth realizes that she has judged Darcy too harshly, and is humbled. Darcy realizes that his arrogant nature encourages people to believe the rumors about him, and resolves to act more appropriately.

Elizabeth embarks on a trip around the country with her aunt and uncle, fighting zombies along the way. At Pemberley she encounters Darcy, who repels a horde of zombies. Darcy's changed attitude and mannerisms impress Elizabeth and lead her to consider reconciling their relationship; her hopes are dashed when her younger sister Lydia elopes to London with Wickham. The Bennet family fears the worst, but receive word that Wickham and Lydia have married, following an "accident" that has rendered Wickham an incontinent quadriplegic. After visiting the Bennets, the couple adjourns to Ireland. Elizabeth discovers that it was Darcy who engineered the union, thus saving the Bennet family from ruin. Meanwhile, Mr. Collins who previously married (the secretly-plague-stricken) Charlotte Lucas, realizes she has turned into a zombie, and hangs himself, after allowing Lady Catherine to behead Charlotte.

Darcy and Bingley return to the countryside, and Bingley resumes courting Jane. Elizabeth hopes to renew her relationship with Darcy, but his aunt, the Lady Catherine, interferes, insisting that her daughter Anne is a better match for her nephew. Lady Catherine challenges Elizabeth to a fight to the death, intent on eliminating the competition, but Elizabeth defeats Catherine and later her cadre of ninjas. Elizabeth spares Catherine's life. Darcy is touched by this gesture, and returns to Elizabeth. They cheerfully wipe out a field of zombies (their first battle as a couple) and begin a long and happy future together, insofar as the ever-present threat of zombie apocalypse permits it.

The thriller will begin this year

Dimension of Culture in Chetan Baghat’s Works

      In the fast growing world behavior, culture, society and everything changes in our nation. The paper presents an analysis on dimension of culture and society in Chetan Baghat’s “One Night at the Call Center” and “Half Girlfriend”. Even the title of the works explains the changes in society like Call Centers works and changes in relationship and culture. Due to the improvement of technology and globalization people are trying to follow western culture where as some people are still trying to follow traditional culture. Culture that a person follows changes automatically due to impact of technology and society in his life.

Culture resides in the hearts and in the souls of the people in a society. Culture and society in which we live are inseparable. As culture changes, naturally the society also changes. Chetan
Baghat’s “One Night @ the Call Center” and “Half Girlfriend” enables us to make a clear understanding about the changes that are prevailing in society and culture. In modern world, we neither follow our Indian culture perfectly nor western culture. Modern man struggles between these two cultures.
            In “Half Girlfriend” Madhav Jha, a Bihari boy, hardly speaks English and struggles a lot when he was interviewed in Stephen’s. But he managed to get a seat there as he is good in playing Basketball. Everybody in Stephen’s speaks English well and Madhav don’t. Those people who can speak English well looks down on the people who can’t. The same situation had undergone by Madhav in this novel. Students of Stephen’s mocked him whether he came for the interview for Peon. Madhav Jha, the protagonist, is from Royal family of Dumraon in Buxar district, Bihar. In Dumraon his mother is running a rural self-financing school. In Bihar people had to walk at least two kilometers for water.
            Every politician’s office always has people to wait outside. In Dumraon the villagers are supposed to wait outside of the veranda to meet MLAs. They are getting power one hour a day while MLAs like Vijay Ojha are living sophisticated life. Ojha doesn’t care for people unless he is benefited from them. The Government also didn’t help to improve rural schools.
      Analyzing about the culture the title itself shows the change in relationship. Madhav wanted a relationship but Riya didn’t. Riya just wanted friendship but Madhav didn’t.   So Riya suggested a compromise and accepted to be his half girlfriend. In Bihar like in education,   tradition that followed by people hasn’t changed yet. When Madhav returned from Stephen’s his mother known to villagers as Rani Sahiba arranged for a ceremony. The district collector, the police inspector and local reporters attended the ceremony and pundit placed crown on Madhav’s head. He was called as “Rajkumar” by the villagers. This shows the respect people still has on Royal families.
         Kusum, dutiful wife of MLA Ojha, is a typical Bihari woman. Her very first appearance to the readers with her head covered reveals her dutifulness. She touched Rani Sahiba’s feet to take her blessings. She was pleased by the attitude of Kusum. Though Madhav’s mother is self-running a school, her traditional views didn’t changes. She says,
“The over-educated idiots in big cities .Whenever they don’t understand villagers, they call them uneducated and old-fashioned.”
            On Riya Somani’s visit to Haveli, she asked her whether Riya is a Punjabi or a Marwari and why she was wearing tight pants. From this we can understand Madhav‘s mother is a typical Bihari women who doesn’t want her son to get distracted from their culture. Royal school of Dumraon haven’t recognized by anybody. SMDC (School Monitoring and Development Committee) said that they have nothing when Madhav requested to provide basic facilities to the school. Bill gates’ arrival to the rural areas of India and Madhav jha’s speech helps the school to get money and recognition .The government provided some temporary toilets during Gates’ visit so that they can get a good name from their higher officials.
        In Delhi, people of higher class are having parties, which is one of the influences of Western culture. Riya Somani the half girl friend of Madhav is a rich girl who lives in a massive mansion .She invited Madhav for a party in her house .Instead of serving Indian food they served Japanese food called Sushi to show their richness .Then Riya got married to Rohan , the son of their family friend and went to London. There she was not allowed to study and ill-treated by her husband and her mother-in-law .So she got divorce from Rohan. Unlike Madhav’s mother Riya is a typical girl of modern India. Her only dream is to be a singer in a small bar in New York.
          In search of Riya, Madhav went to New york and worked in The Gates Foundation .The life and culture of people in New york is totally different and they have no leisure time to spend with their family .The author is describing New york as a cold city not only in weather condition but also in the heart. The people in New York have no time to get the warmth of love and caring .People are going to bars and partying the whole night. Madhav stayed in Shailesh ‘s house where both the husband and wife has no time to share their love. Though Riya is an Indian girl, her wish to become a singer is due to the improvement of technology and change in culture.
          “One Night @ the Call Center” explores the predicament of the call center employees. Chetan Bhagat was inspired to write a novel about the call centers by his cousins and sisters-in-law working at call centers ,making him wonder how the begin their day when the world goes to sleep. With the novel “One Night @ the Call Center” BPO has come into literature as a fiction. Call center industry is currently growing sector and Chetan Bhagat tried to explore this call center world and its culture.
             This novel starts with every agent’s running for catching Qualis to reach in time for night shift. They are Military Uncle, Radhika, Esha, Priyanka and Shyam. Everyone changed his own identity lives pseudo-life with a great patience and high stress .They changed their names as Radhika as Regina, Esha as Eliza, Varun as Victor and so on. They deal with their working in WASG [Western Appliances Strategic Group] and deal with customers of home appliances such as refrigerators, ovens and vacuum cleaners .They are skilled in dealing with troublesome and painful customers .This call center is about to right-size its staff as it has been in a loss.
           Shyam, the protagonist has potential in him but due to his shyness remains far from success. He refuses to attend the marriage party and went for work. He hates his work; his highly incapable manager .He thinks he is a total loser because of the constant de-motivation from his seniors. The only reason why he is sticking to this job is that it pays good money and working in some other profession will require more hard work than he is currently doing. He hates his boss and doing all the works but getting no credit for it. Priyanka, his ex-girlfriend gets a proposal from a Microsoft guy he becomes upset. His feelings for her like “Vestigial organs. They serve no purpose or value. But they give you a pain in the appendix” .About Priyanka’s decision to marry a rich person, he thinks “girls are strategic. They will talk about love and romance and all the crap-but when it comes to doing the deal, they will choose the fattest chicken”. His jealousy leads him to tap the phone of Priyanka to listen the conversation between her other fiancée.
         Vroom a flamboyant person is an ex-journalist-trainee and would love journalism but is here make money. He is not interested in call center job. He loves pizzas, drinking, riding bikes and thinking over social and global issues .Varun is called Vroom because of his love for anything on wheel. He is frustrated and stressed because of his parents live separately.
         Priyanka has broken up with Shyam after a long love affair. Fed-up of her over possessive mother, she is confused between her likes and her troublesome mother .She wants to become a school principal and saving money for her B.Ed. She is about to get married to a Microsoft guy whom she has never met. Priyanka’s mother wants her daughter to be married off to a wealthy guy .She becomes happy with a proposal from the family of Ganesh .She says “I am so happy today. Look how god set such a perfect match right to our door”. Ganesh wants to get married within one month but Priyanka is not mentally prepared for it .Priyanka’s mother says “ho oh you don’t have to worry about that. I will work day and night to make it a grand event”. Like a typical Indian mother she feels when families have fixed the match there should not be a delay .She considers Shyam as “Useless call center chap” as he is not settled. Her mother married her dad who was just a government employee but her sister waited to marry better qualified boys and is now richer today.
        Esha a modern fashionable girl as pairs to be a top model .As she has moved from Chandigarh to Delhi against her parents wish ,she lives alone from them .After working at night in the call center she approaches agencies and tries to get modeling assignments. She had to sleep with 40 year old designer to get a modeling contract. However later he tells her that she was too short to be a model. Esha feels an awful guilt and hates herself for believing people who told her that she could be a model. She regrets this decision all her life.
       Radhika cares a lot for her husband Anuj and her demanding mother-in-law. She has to work all the night after doing household chores. She is her daddy’s only daughter but after her love marriage she has to adjust with Anuj’s ultra-traditional family. While talking with Esha she tells “being a daughter- in- law is harder than being a model”. When Vroom pretends as radio jockey to make Radhika happy he called Anuj and told him that he had won a prize .Unexpectedly Anuj said to send the prize to his girlfriend Payal.
            Military uncle is retired army person who lives alone and is neglected by his son. He has lot of love for his grandson. He works to supplement the meager pension .When he sent an email to his grandson ,his son said that they don’t want his attachments .While  all these six persons are on a short journey the Qualis staggers down .This situation makes them to change their mind.
            Due to call center works the life of characters changed wholly from those who work in days .Indian youth culture has not remind “Indian” as such because of globalization in each and every domain culture drastically changed .
1.     Bhagat, Chetan, 2005. One Night @ the Call Center. New Delhi: Rupa & Co.
2.     G.Swaminathan, A Review of One Night @ the Call Center, http://boloji.con/bookreviews/059.htm
3.     Bhagat, Chetan, 2014. Half Girlfriend. New Delhi: Rupa & Co.

-Shenbaga Priya , Coimbatore

Friday 20 February 2015

Heart of Darkness - New Perspectives

Theme:   European colonization and exploitation of Africa,  Hypocrisy of Imperialism, Absurdity of evil, Deceit, Brutality, Uncertainty, Hollowness of Civilisation, darkness in human soul, the wilderness, how darkness changes a person, psychological degeneration,  the Metaphoric opp. Of the Congo and the Thames river , black people and white people, good and evil, purity and corruption.


Major characters:
Marlow: He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, an ascetic back, and with his arms dropped, the palms of hands outwards resembled an idol, He is a protagonist, main narrator of the story, a traditional hero, tough, highly capable, independent thinker, prone to temptation, long term memory.

Mr.Kurtz: he is a first-class agent, young, gentlemanly, a bit reserved, with a forked little beard and a hooked nose, he is chief of the inner station, he is a prodigy, he is an emissary of pity and science and progress, a very important one in the true ivory-country, He is an evil genius but not an imperialist, malevolent, ego manic, lawless, a man of great intellect, when his time in Africa he is transformed from a man of moral principles to a monster.

Minor characters:

General Manager: The Head of the Company’s Central station on the river, he is untalented and unexceptional.

The Russian trader: A wanderer and trader, he believes Kurtz is a great man beyond any conventional morality.

The Brick maker: the general manager’s most trusted agent, a sly, lazy and power-hungry fellow.

Marlow’s aunt: a well connected and an idealistic woman.  

Language in Heart of Darkness: the language in heart of darkness at once more sophisticated and ambiguous, the phrases he uses resound and act as a kind of motif throughout the text. This is a genuinely poetic use of language, not in the sense of poetic evocation, but in the sense that language is made to draw attention to it.

Narrative technique: it was written as a frame story i.e. story within a story. It is narrated by Marlow, first person narrator and also an unknown narrator.

Settings: took in the forest, the creek, the mud, the river-seemed to beckon with a dishonouring flourish before the sunlit face Heart of darkness is set on a boat, the Nellie on the entirely Thames river and , mysterious, and darkness.

Atmosphere: he uses mood and atmosphere to help a portrait called, the journey into the soul. It is to find one’s self. It pervades the mood or spirit.

Point of view: The different levels of narration, from the anonymous frame narrator, the first person narration of the protagonist Marlowe, and the limited periods of other first person narrations from the minor characters, at different times add to and contradict the alternative narrations. Through this continual contrast, readers are manipulated and forced to question their own attitudes towards colonization.

By SUGANYA.V , Bharathiar University, Coimbatore

Thursday 19 February 2015


It is a new mobile purchased before three days ago. It is installed by updated software and modern apps. John is a disciplined man who got this new bravia mobile. He doesn’t wanna interrupt other’s personal things. Likewise he doesn’t like to share personal things between third person or strangers. John’s friend Iqbal has little bit of uncomfortable and eager to know others personal. He is in eager to check others inbox, what’s up, Dessenger, Bacebook, bag chat, Kuck messenger. Often he gets mobile from john by telling that he had to play games but secretly check all those things. One day he found msgs from a girl called Olivia , John’s girlfriend. He forgot to lock her msgs and give it to him and went rest room. That privacy murderer search of galleries and got some girl’s pictures and download for his mobile through Bluetooth. Murderer opened new fake bacebook account and started to work on their criminal things. That’s the another big incident how those conflicts was resolved. Now murderer became stranger person to john and many steps forward from him.
Think about our Privacies and be aware of that. Try to avoid give your mobile phones, laptop and passwords to even close friends. Don’t turned on Bluetooth always. Always keep password for each in your mobile and laptops. 


Wednesday 18 February 2015

BITCHES - Alone feel

We are called BITHCES
Who made us?
God? Man? Genes? Society?
The Creation is not on ours.

There is red light twinkling in signal
Men are eagerly waiting for signal
We are standing by the command of COLONEL
Minimum of thirty Gentlemen
In the time of twenty four hours.

Eager to learn; but neglected.
Eager to serve; -----do--------
Eager to hold friend;---do----
Many roads diverged in this bloody light;
We have no choice
HURRAH! HURRAH! my fifteeth.
It's time to take peace.

Dedicated to TG's
By Karthick

RASAM - Real life narration

One day my mother was preparing breakfast for us. She made rice, gravy, vegetables etc. then she started to prepare RASAM which was mixed with water of garlic, ginger . The water almost seemed as filthy and dirty. i woke up 8 am but felt lazy and sleepy went to kitchen. My mother commanded me to pour out the dirty water in other bowl. because of sleepiness i took RASAM bowl and poured out because it looked like dirty water. My mom scolded like anything and i started to laugh like anything. Then my mom once agian started to prepare RASAM in  a hurried manner.


Oct 7, 1993
It is my fallen day
Like Satan, I fallen from heaven to hell
That’s my birthday
Mom you know, you know I am crying like anything
Because I fallen from heaven to hell
Mom, tell me, what’s wrong with me?
Why do you kick away from yours?
Do you think I am a satanic creature?
I believed you are my only Gaia
Then why did you betray me mother
I am very happy – when
I am in you.
My happiness is wrecked like “Deutschland”
You kick me away from my heaven
Mom, I am crying… you hear me
This world is very strange to me
I am alien to this world
But you simply laugh at me
Give a warm hug to me.
I never experienced that in my heaven before
I stated to like this hell
I miss my heaven and my Gaia.


Tuesday 17 February 2015

MY INBOX - SMS collection

'Freedom is the recognition of necessity'


'A goal is not always meant to be reached. it often serves simply as something to aim at'.


'Nothing ever becomes real till is is experienced'


'What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out'


'Just as candle cannot burn without fire, men  cannot live without a spiritual life'


'we do not remember days but remember moments'


'Either i will find a way or i will make one'


'Response is one of he powerful weapons to occupy a place in others heart. so, always give response to who cares for you'


PARASITES - My first poem

I am seeing her eyes
Which is so nice?
The sister of TECHNO,
Unable to enjoy the green you know?

She is bright
So quite;
Helpful during energy
Loader ... Loading... Loading

Depending on you only
You are always friendly
Lost them on your power

   My dear technology


The Lazarus Effect is an upcoming 2015 American horror film directed by David Gelb and written by Luke Dawson and Jeremy Slater. The film stars Mark Duplass, Olivia Wilde, Donald Glover, Evan Peters, and Sarah Bolger. The film is scheduled to be released on February 27, 2015, by Relativity Media.


A team of ambitious medical professionals have found a way to bring dead patients back to life using a serum codenamed "Lazarus". After several successful tests are done on animals, Zoe (Olivia Wilde), one of the lead researchers, dies in a lab accident. In desperation, the team uses "Lazarus" to bring her back and they are successful. But as she begins to display unusual abilities the team begins to realize that in their attempt to resurrect the dead, they may have opened the door to unfathomable evil.



On December 17, 2013, it was announced that the film would be released on January 30, 2015, with Lionsgate set to distribute the film. On November 4, 2014, Relativity Media acquired the film from Lionsgate and set the film's release date for February 20, 2015.[2] In December 2014, it was then announced that the film would be retitled The Lazarus Effect, and be released a week later than previously planned on February 27, 2015.


The first still of the film was released on January 5, 2015 along with the theatrical release poster.

Bleak House - Short Analysis (An Attempt)


                                                               BLEAK HOUSE

    Bleak house is a big and beautiful novel written by Charles Dickens. The narrator describes a ghost that lurks around Chesney Wold, the home of Lady and Sir Leicester Dedlock. It carries the love, desire, mercy, passion, pleasure and sad. Charles Dickens’s one of the best novel.


    Dickens creates dozens of characters. method of characterization is in a sense actually more realistic, more true to what we experience in real life, than the seemingly more complete and "scientific" method of beginning from deep inside and then staying there. Lady Dedlock is a much more interesting character, and she illustrates Dickens' method when he creates "serious" characters  major or minor in whom we become interested.

    Main characters have to be made interesting if only because they are "around" so much of the time. They are also tied to the book's serious themes, so we have to be able to take such important characters seriously. They dare not be trivial, monotonously simple and unchanging, or unreal.
Esther Summerson - The narrator and protagonist. Esther, an orphan, becomes the housekeeper at Bleak House. She takes over as a first-person narrator. She claims to be unintelligent. She remembers a doll she had when she was a child that she felt was the only person she could talk to. Esther’s godmother, Miss Barbary, raised Esther, and Esther believes that she was fully virtuous but distant and strict.
Love and affection

    The search for love is not successful for everyone, and it even ends with heartbreak for some. Mr. Guppy tries and fails to become engaged to Esther, making two ridiculous proposals that Esther roundly rejects. Esther accepts Mr. Jarndyce’s proposal, but he calls off his search for love when he acknowledges that the love between them is not the kind of love that will make Esther truly happy. Ada, although she finds true love with Richard, is eventually heartbroken when Richard dies. Sometimes the search for love is literal, and these searches never end well. For example, Lady Dedlock engages in a literal search for love when she tries to find out where her former lover is, and Sir Leicester endeavors to find Lady Dedlock when she disappears from Chesney World. Whether pleasing or tragic, the search for love always proves to be a force that changes characters dramatically.

Danger of Passion
    In Bleak House, passion is important and dangerous, sometimes healthy and satisfying, sometimes harmful and destructive. Many characters recognize the importance of passion for a fulfilling life. For example, Mr. Jarndyce and Esther worry when Richard can’t find a career. Both hope he’ll settle on a career that he’ll feel passionate about, but Richard flits from one thing to the next, never finding anything truly compelling. Esther recognizes the importance of passion in love, which is why she cries as she decides to accept Mr. Jarndyce’s proposal—she loves him, but not in the passionate, romantic way she’s dreamed of loving someone. Even Mr. Jarndyce understands the importance of passion. Although he knows he and Esther could have a happy life together at Bleak House, he also knows their love is built on affection rather than passion. He releases her from her acceptance and settles her with Mr. Woodcourt, who he knows is Esther’s true love.
         The language of novel reflected Charles Dickens as great poet; He eventually became a law clerk but abandoned law to become a journalist. Dickens was a prolific writer and published novels roughly every two years. Bleak House, Dickens’s ninth novel, was published in twenty installments between March 1852 and September 1853.  The language which he used to establish philosophical ideas were incomparably remarkable.
Narrative Technique:
    This narrator is judgmental, cynical, and always ready with a cruel dig at someone else's expense. It would be hard to imagine reading a novel entirely in that incredibly angry voice. It would be exhausting, not to mention really off-putting – and after all, Dickens did want to move his books off the bookstore shelves. So we get a little relief in the form of Esther. Her voice is soft, gentle, and all about feelings. the third-person narrator, Esther comes across as a real person, whose voice evolves and changes as time goes on

    Bleak House was written about a century and a half ago. Prose style, like almost everything else, has changed. Naturally today's reader may find Dickens' manner rather unfamiliar and in some ways a bit difficult. In order to see Bleak House in the right perspective, it is necessary to pursue this point. Many people today are no longer well-practiced readers. Television and film are the preferred pastimes, and what people do read is more likely to be journalism (or the captions under pictures) than the prose of a literary artist like Dickens.
Point of view:
    Third Person (Omniscient) and First Person (Central Narrator). first a hesitant, insecure narrator, Esther’s confidence in her storytelling grows, and she controls the narrative skillfully.
the third-person narrator, Esther comes across as a real person. First, throughout the novel, there is an alternation in the point of view from which the story is being told. Second, there is a corresponding alternation between present tense and past tense   


    The novel, Bleak House takes place in or near London, around 1850. The London street scenes are in the Holborn district (on the north bank of the Thames and very close to the river). The depictions of neighborhoods, streets, buildings, working conditions, lighting, weather, dress and deportment of persons, etc., are completely authentic. The fog remains the most famous fog in all literature. Dense, long-lasting blankets of it, yellowish or yellow-brown with pollutants, were common in the coal-burning London of Dickens' time — and later. The descriptions of the goings-on at the Chancery Court are equally authentic, although Dickens provides only those details that support his point.
                                                                                             M. KUMARESAN, I MA ENGLISH
                                                                                             Bharthiar University

Monday 16 February 2015

AUSTRALIA by A.D.HOPE - An Analysis

Australia is a country filled with migrated people. Most of them are dependent on government. Even though they are migrated, they have some strict government rules and regulations. The author wants to identify themselves who really they are.

Australia is a poem by A.D.Hope. His major subjects are English and Philosophy. His collection of poem is ‘Wandering Island’ (1955). The first five stanzas deal with how the Australia is.

He says that Australia is a mechanical and monotonous land. In this poem, he says that his country is intentionally traumatized. The poem gives a kind of negative perception regarding Australian culture. The poem reflects the lack of individualism and spiritual poverty. It is the continent with an ambiguous state.

The first stanza conveys that the trees in Australia are dull and it stood in a desolate place. Generally, the term NATURE is a charming thing but in this continent it looks like a desolated one. Nobody cares about it. Many people give importance to their outer appearance. They do not care about inner beauty. Appearances can be deceptive. The author compares this to a ‘Sphinx’.

The people in Australia are heterogenous in their tradition.The author called them as Young but it ironically conveys their immaturity. He points out the vulnerability of land and the theme of rebellion. By reading this poem, the readers come to know that he is against his country. He says that there is no proper sense with respect to their culture. He adds that they are not creative and independent.

From the famous spot Cairns to Perth there is only flow of stupidity. He says that the people are stupid and foolish. The people in this continent are not living , they are surviving. He calls five teeming stores which denote Melbourne, Sidney, Perth, Canberra, Adelaide. The people in these places have not had their own identity. They are like parasites which dependent on others.

The author calls that their mind as ‘of Australian dumb like’ . He says that their mind is dumb like people who lives in the Arabian desert. He is waiting for his prophecy to come true. They themselves call as civilized people but there is no civilization.