Tuesday 10 February 2015

UNKNOWN BROTHER - First person Real Life narration

I was studying at Coimbatore Bharathiar University. Every weekend I would go to my native Erode. Often I chose train because it would take only seventy five minutes but by bus one hundred twenty minutes. Once I missed the last bus from erode junction to my locality Surampati because of loss of signal in train. I forgot to inform my arrival to my parents. They didn’t attend my call I realized they felt asleep. I had to walk three kilometers. There was an unknown stranger who asked me the way to Surampati and offered to drop me on the place. It was nearly 12 am there was no words to thank him. Thus I realized God always helps people in a indirect way. I thanked my unknown brother and I went home.

1 comment:

  1. Who knows that unknown brother would have been your inner soul itself. Because people say when you are really alone when you need something very badly and you have no one to help you out, you yourself develop a defence mechanism where you imagine a fictional character to help you out. In actual its none other than your soul.. Soul is more powerful than flesh..so I just tried to give a spiritual touch to your experience. .
