Thursday 26 May 2016

Positive action & Positive vision

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
 - Virginia Woolf

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
 - Charles R. Swindoll

Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
 - W. Clement Stone

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.
 - Robert H. Schuller

In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision.
 - Dalai Lama

Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.
 - Joseph Campbell

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.
 - Joyce Meyer

Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.
 - Colin Powell

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.
 - Andy Rooney

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.

 - William Shakespeare

Friday 20 May 2016

X Men Apocalypse - First day Review

X Men Apocalypse is an another satisfying movie from marvel enterprises and x men series. You can see the story and plot in the screen. If it is discussed here the interest will loss. It is just an ordinary super hero movies as usual X men team saves the world again. The major reason for success is screenplay. It is written by Simon Kinberg. He wrote the script without confusion. The screenplay is fast moving too and it is focused on the needs. The adaptability of Bryan's direction adds more power to this screenplay. 

The most handsome man in this film is James Mcavoy (Professor Xavier). His facial expressions are enough. It will flat even boys and girls. (Audience too). He scored high marks by using his smiling face, The other characters such as cyclops, jean, night crawler etc showed their talent according to the need of script.

The visual effects and the 3D effects are well established. It is effective from the title screen. The movie tells something regarding false Gods, machines but it failed to convey the message in a complete manner. The major disappointment in the film is HUGH JACKMAN. He is appearing for few minutes but he stole the hearts of audience by claps and blasts. Audience feels that if Hugh Jackman will appear on whole movie, it will be more effective. What to do? the script does not need him. Overall the film is satisfied one and worth to watch. 

IMDB rating 7.8/10

Rotten tomatoes 2.5/5...

My rating is 6.5/10. Comment - GOOD.


Thursday 19 May 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse pre review

X-Men: Apocalypse is a 2016 American superhero film based on the X-Men characters that appear in Marvel Comics. It is the ninth installment in the X-Men film series. Directed by Bryan Singer, with a screenplay by Simon Kinberg from a story conceived by Singer, Kinberg, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris, the film features an ensemble cast starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Alexandra Shipp,Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn and Lucas Till. In Apocalypse, ancient mutant Apocalypse awakens and plans to take over the world, so the X-Men need to stop him and defeat his team, the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

The film was announced by Singer in December 2013 with Kinberg, Dougherty, and Harris attached to develop the story. Casting began in October 2014 while principal photography commenced in April 2015 in Montreal, Canada, and ended in August of the same year. X-Men: Apocalypse premiered in London on May 9, 2016. It is scheduled for release in North America on May 27, 2016 in 3D and 2D, and in IMAX 3D in select international markets. The film received mixed reviews from critics.

The immortal psychic mutant En Sabah Nur rules ancient Egypt until he is betrayed by his worshippers, who entomb him alive. En Sabah Nur's lieutenants, the Four Horsemen, die protecting and preserving him. Awakening in 1983, and believing that without his presence humanity has lost its way, En Sabah Nur decides to destroy the world and remake it in his image. En Sabah Nur begins recruiting new Horsemen, beginning with Cairo pickpocket Ororo Munroe.

In Berlin, Raven Darkhölme, investigating an underground fight club, discovers mutant champion Angel, who possesses a pair of large feathered wings on his back, and the Nightcrawler, who can teleport. Raven rescues Nightcrawler and employs the services of underground black marketeer Caliban to safely transport him to the US. When En Sabah Nur then arrives to demand information about strong mutants from Caliban, Caliban's enforcer Psylocke sides with him and leads him to Angel, whose injured wings Nur replaces with metallic ones.

Meanwhile, Alex Summers takes his teenage younger brother Scott, whose own mutation for shooting optic beams from his eyes is manifesting, to Professor Charles Xavier's educational insitutute in Westchester County, New York, where Xavier and Hank McCoy will teach him how to control his abilities. Scott meets Xavier's protégé Jean Grey, and the two develop an attraction over the fact that they both cannot fully control their powers. Raven brings Nightcrawler to the institute, and informs Xavier about the threat of En Sabah Nur, leading Xavier and Alex to consult with Moira MacTaggert, who has been researching the legend of Nur, to learn more about him.

In Poland, the metal-controlling mutant Erik Lehnsherr lives with his new wife and daughter, Nina, but when authorities attempt to capture him for the incident at the White House, his family is killed in the crossfire. En Sabah Nur later approaches the infuriated Erik and takes him to Auschwitz, were he upgrades his powers. Erik destroys the camp and joins Sabah Nur, completing his new Four Horsemen.

En Sabah Nur hacks into Xavier's mind while he is using the mutant-locating computer Cerebro, and co-opts Xavier's powers to force all global superpowers to launch Earth's entire nuclear arsenal into space so it cannot be used against him. Nur and his Horsemen then arrive in the mansion and kidnap Xavier, and in attempting to stop them, Alex accidentally causes an explosion that destroys the entire mansion. Peter Maximoff—having learned that he is Magneto's son, and hoping that Xavier can help to find him—arrives in time to use his super-speed to evacuate the manision, but Alex dies in the blast. William Stryker's forces subsequently arrest Hank, Raven, Peter, and Moira, believing them to be involved in En Sabah Nur's attack, and take them to the Weapon X facility for interrogation. Scott, Jean and Nightcrawler covertly follow and liberate their comrades with help from Stryker's brainwashed experiment Logan, whose mind Jean partially restores.

At En Sabah Nur's behest, Erik uses his powers to control Earth's magnetic poles, causing widespread destruction across the planet and mass casualties. Following a telepathic distress call secretly sent by Xavier, the others arrive in Cairo and battle the Horsemen, managing to rescue the professor before En Sabah can transfer his mind into his body. Magneto and Storm are convinced to turn on En Sabah, and keep him occupied while Xavier fights him in the astral plane. Finally, he encourages Jean to unleash the full might of her powers against him. Letting go, Jean incinerates En Sabah with her unchecked power.

In the aftermath, Magneto helps reconstruct the school, but turns down Xavier's offer to stay and help teach. Scott, Jean, Hank, Ororo, Nightcrawler, Peter and Raven become the new "X-Men," and begin training for the battles ahead.

In a post-credits scene, the abandoned Weapon X facility is infiltrated by a paramilitary team that begins retrieving data on Stryker's mutant research, on behalf of the Essex Corporation.


Sunday 15 May 2016

Money Monster - review

“Money Monster” begins with a jolt of satire, proceeds through a maze of beat-the-clock exposition and lands on a surprisingly gentle, sentimental note. Along the way, this speedy, self-assured thriller, nimbly directed byJodie Foster from a packed script by Jamie Linden, Alan DiFiore and Jim Kouf, looses bullhorn blasts of topical outrage on matters of grave public concern. The financial system is rigged. The news media is corrupt. Millennials spend a lot of time in coffee shops

But this is not really a movie intended to stir up populist anger. It assumes — correctly in this election year — that the anger is out there already and that nobody really needs to be told not to trust Wall Street or cable television. Unlike, say, “The Big Short,” “Money Monster” is not offering explanation or catharsis. Instead, it supplies a curious sort of comfort. (And also some pretty good laughs along the way.) Corporate bigwigs may be robbing us blind and celebrity pseudo-journalists may be lying to our faces, but as long as there are some old-school movie stars left in the world we can feel a little better about the state of things.
In other words, you will not necessarily learn anything here about how TV or high finance really work, but you will be invited to enjoy the illusion of such enlightenment in the skilled and charismatic company of Julia Roberts and George Clooney. Mr. Clooney, playing the Jim Cramerish host of a loud, slick investment-advice broadcast (also called “Money Monster”), is doing his most fully Clooneyesque work in a while. His brand is in full effect: the silver hair, the gravelly voice, the arrogant strut camouflaging a core of basic decency.
Mr. Clooney’s character, Lee Gates, is the kind of charming, egotistic broadcast peacock who requires a tough, honest, outwardly-cynical-but-secretly-idealistic, behind-the-scenes superego. That would be Ms. Roberts’s Patty Fenn. The two stars are rarely onscreen together — circumstances conspire to keep Lee on set, under the lights, while Patty sits in the semidarkness of the control room whispering instructions into his earpiece — but their interaction is the electrical circuit that powers everything else.
That everything else is a hostage drama wrapped around an ostensibly complicated global caper. Most of the action takes place in the “Money Monster” studio, but the claustrophobia — or the lingering threat of staginess — is relieved by visits to the sleek corporate suites of Ibis Clear Capital, a company whose stock, repeatedly plugged by Lee on the air, has recently taken a tumble. The camera also pops over to Seoul, Reykjavik and Johannesburg for a beat or two to remind us just how big this story is.
The local, human dimension — the reminder of how small the story is — arrives in the person of Kyle Budwell (Jack O’Connell), who interrupts Lee’s program with a gun, an explosive-packed vest and a serious grudge. Encouraged by Lee, he gambled his modest nest egg on Ibis and lost it all. Now he wants answers, not only from the television host who steered him wrong but also from the company’s chief executive (Dominic West). The big boss, however, is suspiciously AWOL, and the only Ibis executive willing to talk is the company’s top flack (Caitriona Balfe).

I mentioned movie stars. Mr. O’Connell certainly has the potential to become one — the intensity, the emotional commitment, the ability to magnetize attention when projecting regular-guyness — even if his attempt at an outer-borough Noo Yawk accent grates on the ears. What’s equally striking about “Money Monster” is the presence, in supporting roles, of excellent actors best known for their small-screen work. One of the film’s incidental pleasures is the game of cable-drama trainspotting it invites. Fans of “Outlander” will be happy to see Ms. Balfe. Mr. West will stir up memories of “The Wire” and “The Affair.” And look! There’s Giancarlo Esposito (“Breaking Bad”), Chris Bauer (also “The Wire”), John Ventimiglia (“The Sopranos”).
It’s impossible for a single movie to give such performers enough to do, but Ms. Foster makes room for each one to have a moment or two for the highlight reel. (It’s also worth mentioning Dennis Boutsikaris, Condola Rashad, Christopher Denham and Lenny Venito.) The quality of the acting both enhances the credibility of the narrative and exposes some of its weak points. You may raise an eyebrow at just how quickly Kyle’s potential victims rally to his side. This seems less like Stockholm syndrome than wish fulfillment.
The movie wants to make sure we understand that this guy may have a gun and a bomb, but he also has a point. A literal-minded reading of “Money Monster” might see it as an argument for the efficacy of terrorism. Kyle’s methods may be extreme, but they work, kind of. They are also symbolic, of course, and part of a long and rich tradition of agitated agitprop movie fantasy. He’s as mad as hell, and he’s not gonna take it anymore. The rest of us will, and in the mean time we’ll have some fun watching him blow his stack.
“Money Monster” is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). Swearing on live television. Is nothing sacred? Running time: 1 hour 38 minutes.

Thanks to Newyork Times.

The passionate shepherd to his love

This attempt is to bring out various perspectives of traditional love. The passionate shepherd to his love is country poem by Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593). He was an English dramatist and poet, probably the greatest English dramatist before Shakespeare.

What makes this poem so special?

1. The first thing is, pastoral elements. He gives beautiful description on country love which is so pure and better than court love.

2. The theme of the poem is carpe diem. It means 'seize the day'.

3. The final thing is the mixture of erotic elements. The author pleads his ladylove to enjot the present moment without any fail.

It may be a court love or country love, the thing is ladylove presented as a prostitute in this poem. Men give money to them for seeking sexual pleasure. Here, the ready to bribe some precious things like a pretty gown, a belt made of straw and ivy, slippers made of pure gold. He adds that if these things are touch your heart, come with me and be my love. The same thing happens in prostitution.
Sometimes in martial life too.

Do you think that shepherd's love is true? Did she accept the offer? 

Thursday 5 May 2016

Tuesdays with Morrie Part -4 American Literature and its themes


The strategy of American literature varies from sixteenth century to
twentieth century. Every century has its own motives. For example, classical
literature deals with religious, social and cultural concerns of colonial life.
Some authors focus on Native Americans and some on settlers. Later, the
American literature started to focus on separate identities, lack of their culture,
expansion of English colonies, and dominance of puritan culture and so on. In
the contemporary period, memoirs and fiction play vital roles more than plays.


The American Dream 

              It is the set of idols, dealing with rights, democracy, liberty,
opportunity and equality. According to its followers, life should be better and
richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or
achievement, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.

The Development and Image of the Hero
To fulfil their dream, the image of hero is needed. Through the hero
image, they try to achieve their dreams. 

The Meaning of Freedom 

Freedom implies the liberty to do whatever a person wants. Mike Treder
says, “Freedom stands for something greater than just the right to act however I
choose—it also stands for securing to everyone an equal opportunity for life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Web).


          People are varied from one another. Individuality is the major reason for
this variation. If there is loss of individuality, there will be real death of

Death and How to Deal With It

          People hesitate to accept the reality which is called as death. They have
to accept as they accept birth.

Human Relationship and Family

Americans do not have proper culture and family. Most of them are
settlers from various countries. They long for human relationship and culture. 
Among the themes mentioned above, love, family, individuality and
relationship are the major themes of contemporary American literature. Writers
of American literature believe that human relationship can be maintained
through care and emotions. 

Ref: Various Websites.

                                                          -to be continued....