Sunday 25 March 2018

Pacific Rim: Uprising

Pacific Rim: Uprising is a decent sequel with a proper storyline. The storyline is annihilated due to lack of screenplay. The plot can be explained in a single line. The war between human bots and giant keijus.
We all know that human bots will won the war.

The movie gives space to guess what comes next which causes greater damage. It starts with different storyline then enters into new plot and it is developed. The director or screenplay writer missed something in writing screenplay. This space gives space to audience so they could not travel with the film till the end.

It is appreciative that director carefully handled the scenes. If it is slipped there may be chance to remind TRANSFORMERS movie. There are only two major advantages. The story line and the less graphic scenes.

The movie ends in a simple way and last half hour gives the feeling of watching video game. Thank god that I did not have a joysticks in my hand. The actors in the film do not put much effort but they give what the screenplay wants.

Overall the Pacific Rim: Uprising is a decent one and it is one time watchable less effective than prequel.

IMDB 6/10
Rotten Tomatoes 47%
My scale 6/10

Saturday 24 March 2018

Waste book

Did you notice the FACEBOOK logo?

 Facebook- 'f'

Unfortunately my mind compares this logo with human. What we are doing using mobile? Simply we are looking on our phone. Like this logo 'f'. Humans become laid down their head like 'f'.

People are interested in using social media. This is an era of knowledge. We are thirst for knowledge and we want to update ourself regularly. Social media is one of the keys to update ourself. We do not know about the percentage of realiblity.

Several negative rumours are spreading till now for anti country people. Those rumours destroy peace of a country. After the arrival of FB and WATS APP tge rumours become common thing.

You may receive messages like this...

A child have been missing from march 2... So and so..

Emergency AB- blood needed... These messages fools innocent people who are ready to help anytime. They become stressed after they come to know that it is a fake news.

So please try to avoid spreading fake news like this. Atleast it will not fool the people who is having helping tendency. This thing is within our hands only.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Ferdinand movie review

Do you know about the pain of chopping?

What do you know about bull fighting?

What will happen to those fighting bull after the show?

If you want to know the answers you must watch the movie Ferdinand. WWE Superstar John Cena gave voice for the bull character Ferdinand, the fighting bull. Isn't it the beauty that fighter gives voice for fighting bull?

This movie is a mild satire which shows animal contains human qualities and humans contain beast qualities. It also explains about the happy life of countryside and irritating life of townside. It is bitter fact that town people do not even realize the healthy and peaceful life of country life.

Every frame in thus film gives detailed account and minute details. The movie do not makes audience to feel like boared till the end. The climax is the peak of the satire. The fighting bull refused to fight but the human forces the bull to fight and tries to kill him. Animals give up the violence but we will not.

The film seems witty and humourous but it records serious message to the society. If you get the chance watch it in 3D. It will be more effective. Overall the film is non-stop animated entertainment package and it is worth to spend time and money.

IMDB 7.2/10

Friday 16 March 2018

Origin-Dan Brown's book Review

Where do we come from? 

Where are we going?

Who we are?

          If you want to know the answers for these questions you must read Dan Brown's Origin. Dan Brown is famous for masterpiece narrative thrillers. His novels must contain the heart stopping twists and turns.

          In his controversial novel The Davinci Code he have raised some questions on christianity. We have already knew that the issues arisen. Dan Brown's each and every book is a unique masterpiece by their own way.

          Generally Dan Brown's work is a kind of prophecy. Most his thoughts, theories and his justifications are possible on future. His novel Inferno deals with bio-war. His Angels and Demons deals with religious issues.

          His Origin deals with techno-war. I do not want to write any spoilers in this article. So I skip the comments on plot. Once again Brown used the character Professor Robert Langdon as his protagonist. Robert Langdon is famous character for breaking codes. His code breaking techniques are genius in nature.

          Breaking codes is one of the techniques used by Dan Brown to create movable plot. I think that's the reason for employing the character Langdon for all his novel. The differnet incidents in various places in plots are described without any confusion. It would be more effective if we watch it in a visual.

          I do not read his work Inferno but it is not much effective when I have watched in a movie version. I hope this would be more effective in the movie form. The novel portrays the impact on technology over biology. There may be uncleared scientific theories and justifications but it is not spoiled the plot. Once again Dan Brown proved that he is  a master of prophet and this prophecy is possible in future. If you want to know the prophecy in origin you have to read the novel. No spoilers here.
Good reads 3.5/5
Google users 89%
My reading scale 7/10

Thursday 15 March 2018

World of Braindrain- Stephen William Hawking

March 14 is the another dark day for the scientific world. It is the biggest loss for the world of Science. It is all about shocking death of Stephen William Hawking. He is a great Physicist and Cosmologist of all time. His most famous works are The Brief History of Time, God Created the  Integers and The Black hole. Unfortunately the list of his iconic works are not ended. Personally I do not read Hawking's theories and I do not think I will understand those intellectual theories. I do not have that much brain too (I've admitted the truth). Even though I am not aware of his scientific theories I am aware about his sufferings.

There are some of my friends who are constantly asking who is he and what is his achievement. It is very shame that some of my friends do not aware about his presence. In my vernacular news papers the news about his death is very hard to find. They are giving more importance for other issues. We are in a critical situation. Most of the famous celebrities and intellects who are contributed to the world are slowly passing away in recent years.

APJ Abdul Kalam, Ms.J.Jayalalitha(CM of Tamilnadu), Stephen William Hawking and Micheal Jackson are some of them. The one common thing is that they cannot be replaced. Death is the common for all. It can be happen at anytime . We have to accept the reality. I want to say a simple thing. We need some replacements for these loss. We cannot fulfill for them in a hundred percent. Somehow we have to balance these loss. We have to overcome this braindrain. This depends on the present generation. The more you read the more you will strong. All The Best

Sunday 11 March 2018

The Shape of Water - Oscar Movie Review

The Shape of Water is an another masterpiece work from the hands of Guillermo del Toro. Even though it is not upto the level of Labyrinth, it becomes one of the celebrated movies by the audience. It is not surprised by winning oscar because it deserved it. The movie do not contain any action sequences or twists like other movies.

 The plot is simple. The movie deals with the love between a sea animal and a mute girl. The girl tries to help an animal to escape from lab. She decides to release the animal at the time of rain. The head tries to kill the animal. The doctor wants it to keep alive. What will be the girl's decision? Sorry.. there won't be any spoilers in this review. Kindly watch it in a theater for visual treat. The movie deals with several controversial things. The animal that they caught is considered as the God for Amazon people. Another thing in this film is political elements.

This story happens at the time of Russia sent a dog to space. Now America is in critical situation to do achieve something to prove themselves. At that time they want to try to compete with Russia by using this animal. The animal is portrayed as example for humanity and humans are portrayed as example for the barbarians. This reverse satire adds more beautiful space to construct a plot. This movie is an another example for depicting realty.

 The dark atmosphere in this movie helps to create and maintain the audience's mood till the end. The Shape of water gives dark feeling with respect to emotions. The mute girl connects her life with the animal is another clever depiction to develop love sequences. So there won't be no logic questions. Last twenty minutes is the heart of the film and the climax is unpredictable. The film makers hit sixes in all sides of the ground. The sides are plot, screenplay, music, cinematography, narrative point, selection of artists.

Overall the shape of water shapes the audience's emotion and it is a good treat for visuals without any chasing scenes and heart stopping twists. This movie deserved an Oscar. My personal opinion is still there may be better choice than The Shape of Water.

IMDB - 7.6/10
Rotten tomatoes - 92%
My Rating - 7/10