Saturday 5 October 2019

In the Tall Grass- Stephen King's Movie Review

     After the blockbuster movie It, Stephen King's work becomes on demand. All his works are started to reboot into movie form. In the past few years we have seen It 1 &2 , Gerald's Game, Pet Sematary, Carrie, 1922  and now In the Tall Grass. Even though he is a peak writer in horror/mystery genre some of the movie formats become average and sometimes it becomes disaster. For example, the movie It is a block buster but it sequel is failed. As the same way Gerald's Game and Carrie becomes a disaster. Pet Sematary attracted some heads and now In the Tall Grass.

     In the Tall Grass is an another splendid work from Stephen King. Let's see how the movie is. The plot is similar to The Edge of Tomorrow by Tom Cruise. A brother and a sister are trapped in a haunted field which contains the full of grass and an evil rock. The film depicts whether they have escaped from the field or not.
     The main success for a horror movie to keep the audience at their edge of their seats. Thus this movie is successful one. The opening scene arises curiosity and it make watchers to be scared. The screenplay gives the space to create horrible atmosphere. In this era, some people are not even get scared when they see a ghost in a film. With respect to this film, it's really terrified and horrified just by seeing GRASS. I'm sure if you see this film, you will be freaked out when you see the grass. The cinematography and the bgm helps to scare audience just by the grass. Particularly, the final dream part is little disturbing.

     Laysla as a pregnant lady did her best. In fact. she shouldered the whole thing. Patrick's anti-heroic qualities worked out well. The boy character is a mystical one and other characters are not given much importance. There are some logical questions/ mistakes are rised through my mind.

1. How this life cycle part was started?
2. What is the reason for a field becoming haunted?
3. Patrick becomes cursed and he killed his own family. Travis also cursed but he saves his family. Why this contrary?
4. The movie becomes a fragment because all above questions are unanswered.

Anyway In the Tall Grass definitely give you a terrific experience which will freak you out. Worth to watch.

IMDB 5.7/10
Sharkz's Scale 6/10

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