Wednesday 11 May 2022

Dr.Strange- Multiverse of Madness Movie Review

 Dr. Strange has to deal with another witch villian in this film. America, an young child has the power to travel multiverse. The strange creatures try to kill her and get her powers. Dr.Stephen Strange tries to protect the girl and he has to face the dark forces to protect the girl.

Sam Raimi gives an excellent come back to the super hero genre. He mixes the horror element with super hero genre and it worked out well. He has used horror elements from his own movie Evil Dead, Drag Me to Hell etc., Sometimes, it gives some jump scary moments.

We also excited to see the multiverse characters and I don't spoil in this review. The VFX and background score is as usual as their standards.

The multiverse travel portrayal is an awesome and it is warm for us. There are three major characters and all of them are treated as equal. There is not much pessimistic things about the making of this film.

Overall, Dr. Strange-  Multiverse of Madness is an colourful, dark and action packed movie and it is worth to spend two hours.

Imdb 7.5/10

Sharkz Scale 8/10

Sunday 8 May 2022

Russian Doll Season 2- A Netflix Series Review

 Russian Doll season one have dealt with the 'Time Loop' and the second two deals with the 'Time Travel Portal'. The second one starts on Nadia's birthday and accidentally she has happened to travel through time portal.

She have travelled to her own traumatic past life. There she tries to deal with the problems in her mother's life. This season is emotional and psychological rather than a gripping tale.

As usual, Natasha and Alan has given their performance at their best. It must be told as gripping one . Sometimes we are unable to connect with the characters. Sometimes the audience feel like that they wouldn't care about the incidents in the series.

This is the difference between season one and two. There are eight episodes in this series. If you want to pass your time, this series is a good choice. Other aspects like background score, cinematography are in an optimistic way.

Overall, Russian Doll Season 2 is not a gripping like season one but a worthy one to try a shot.

Imdb 7.8/10 (season one)

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Friday 8 April 2022

Sweet Home- A Netflix Monster Series Review

Sweet Home is a Korean monster series which is streaming in Netflix. It gives an impression of Hellbound, All of Us are Dead but it has a slight difference

Humans are turned into cruel monsters without any reason. Initially, they have though it is a Zombie virus. Later, they have come to know that 'Human Desires' are the reason.

A person who has more desires will turn into a ugly monster. In this metamorphical sense, this series is differ from other series. It is also a drawback too.

When they say that desires make into a monster, it is acceptable according to the moral philosophy. As a series, we couldn't accept this transformation. Everyone has desires but few characters in this series are not infected is another logic loophole.

The making is excellent and it is engaging. The series is made without any lagging. All the characters do their role in an established manner. Like Hellbound it lacks in reality. 

Like Kafka's Metamorphosis, it is unexplainable. Overal, Sweet Home is excellently chilled series but lacks in realism. It is worth to give a shot to stream.

IMDB 7.4/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Thursday 7 April 2022

Death on the Nile -Hercule Poirot's New Case

 Death on Nile (2022) is a crime detective story based on Agatha Christie's novel. After Murder on the Orient Express, Hercule Poirot is back with an another huge case. As usual, another Agatha Christie's WHODUNIT technique's adaptation.

Linnet (Gal Gadot) is murdered at the bank of Nile and Hercule Poirot comes to investigate the murder. As usual, there are several possibilities for all the characters as the murderer. Each and every character in this movie has their reasons to kill Linnet. Greedy mother, Jealousy friend, greedy cousin etc., have their reasons to kill rich and beautiful Gal Gadot.

Kenneth Branagh, once again lives as Hercule Poirot. Apart from Gal Gadot and Emma Mackey, other characters are not written in an indepth manner so the audiences are unable to connect with the film. The cinematography is excellent and the background settings are chilling for our eyes.

Sometimes the movie is lagging and it is very slow but it is engaged due to the investigation scene. With the limited scenes, limited characters and the given budget, the quality of movie is good and it is watchable. Overall, the movie is satisfied if you are a fan of Agatha Christie and it is partially satisfied if you are an average audience. It is unfair to compare with Murder on the Orient Express.

IMDB 6.4/10

Sharkz Scale 5/10 

Friday 1 April 2022

Eternally Confused and Eager for love- A Netflix Series Review

 An awkward man in his twenties try to find out his soulmate but he has a problem in approaching women. This creates several controversial situations. Ray tries to overcome this situation with help of his childhood imaginary friend. We have seen several series/movies like this. This is different by Ray's childhood friend (his di-bolical mind-voice).

Ray's characterization is an important part in this series. Often he reminds ROSS from the world famous series FRIENDS. Even his face cut reminds him too. Like Ross, he always in dilemma and he has little bit of melancholic tone. Ross is sad because his wife is a lesbian and he got divorced. Ray is sad because he couldn't approach girls even though he is straight. We can compare the characters ROSS and RAY for a few pages alone. Vihaan samat is not imitating Ross but his character design reminds ROSS.

Rahul Bose and Suchitra Pillai have established their role in a satisfied way. Dalai Mulchandhini as Riya suits well in her role with her physical fitness as well as her charming practical character.

Overall, Eternally Confused and Eager for love is worth to stream and definitely it is an engaged one.

IMDB 6.7/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Marvel's Moon Knight - First Episode Review

 In recent days, web series are far more better than the movie. Marvel's Moon Knight is an another example for this statement. Steven grant is working as a staff in a museum and he is interested in the Egyptian God Myths. He started to experience some illusions. He cannot identify the difference between real and reel. The remaining episode/seasons will deal the answers.

Apart from making and all other aspects, there are two real heroes in this series. Firstly, Issac who acts as Moon Knight and then the director cum writer of this one. We have been watching several super-hero genre with the same pattern but they have shown some difference in this.

The screenplay writing is awesome and it is entirely in a new way. As this is the first episode we do not know much about the other characters' role. The final part of Moon Knight is the goosebumps moment. Overall, Marvel's Moon Knight is 100% worth to stream it in your device.

Imdb 8.5/10

Sharkz Scale 9/10

Sunday 13 March 2022

The Adam Project (2022)- A Netflix Movie Review


The Adam Project is a sci-fi movie by Netflix and it is starred by the most handsome man Ryan Reynolds. It is directed by Shawn Levy. Adam (Ryan Reynolds) accidentally landed on 2022 from 2050. Few star soldiers have been chasing him and tracking him. Meanwhile, Adam has tried to find out his lost wife Laura (Zoe Saldana) on space. Unfortunately, he...... (No Spoilers). The remaining movie will give answers for the mysteries that they have shown at the beginning.


This movie has a pattern like... an action scene, an emotional scene and a funny scene and it repeats at the proper space. The movie is enjoyable and Ryan seems an excellent choice. The screenplay is well written. There are few minutes in the mid of the movie which seems to be bored but again it has come back to his track.

There are few logic  mistakes. All the characters are easily believed the concept of time-travel. We have seen even better movies than this. The detailed explanations are missing. They are not given much importance for the details and the concepts of time travel. Simply, they want to entertain us. They have succeed in their aim. The movie entertains us for 1.46hrs.

Overall, The Adam Project is worth to stream. If you skip it, you will miss it. It is a guaranteed family entertainer. 

IMDB 6.9/10

Sharkz Scale 6.6/10

Monday 31 January 2022

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window- A Netflix Miniseries Review

          The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window is an another psychological thriller from Netflix platform. 

          Anna's child Emma had murdered by the serial killer. She became an alcoholic and often she had experienced hallucinations. On that time, she witnessed Lisa's murder but she seemed alive. 

           The remaining part explores whether Lisa is really murdered or not and what Anna witnessed is real or not. Kristen Bell is the sole performer and she carries the whole series on her shoulder.

           Each episode runs for 25minutes . First two episodes seem slow then latter episodes give curiosity to know what happened. The little twists here and there is good and it makes a good entertaining series. This series is a good team work and it is a grand success.

           Overall, The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window is an engaging dark psychological thriller and it is worth to watch.

Imdb 6.4/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Saturday 29 January 2022

All of Us are Dead- A Netflix Zombie Series Review

           We have seen several zombie series and movies. All zombie movies deal with the same plot. The Korean drama All of Us are Dead deals with the same. But the special thing about this series is Korean nationality. 

            The Korean industry has some quality in making movies. They have world level market. Once again, they have proved through this series. In All of Us are Dead, bunch of students are trapped in the school in the midst of zombie students.

            They do not have much chance to escape. Few students have survived and they try to escape  from the school. The season one has twelve episodes. 

           Unlike other zombie movies/series it has branches of sub stories. This is both the plus and minus points. Often, the zombie chasing scenes seem as videi game walk through. The making is excellent and VFX is good.

           All of Us are Dead is another hit- hot series and no wonder it will become a trending one in Netflix platform. Overall, All of Us are Dead is usual zombie walk through with branches of stories and it gives guarenteed entertainment.

IMDB 7.7/10

Sharkz Scale 6.5/10