Tuesday 24 March 2015

First Love by Sachin Garg - An Analysis

Sachin Garg is one of the famous Indian writers. basically he is an engineering student. Later he starts to write novels. The concepts of his novels is nothing different. He presents what he saw. The type of narration plays vital role in his novels. Generally he prefers first person narrative technique. for his concepts this type of narration is the most suitable.

The author portrays contemporary generations love through the characters such as Arshi, Kanika, Samar, Neil, Zeeshan. This is a realistic novel. From traditional times there is a culture in love called 'there is only one love' (reference to Indian culture). In this century the above statement is not so much realiblity. Many young people thinks if a girl talking with a guy with a broad smile, suddenly he thinks or world thinks they are lovers. In present days young generations are unable to distinguish between love , crush and infatuation.

The novel First Love opens with the arrival of heroine Kanika to Delhi. At the first sight Samar is madly fall in love on her. His girl friend Arshi fall on love with Samar. Many times Samar tried to explore but he can't. He explores his thinking during Arshi's shift to Australia and this episode is come to an end. then the plot gets concentrate on a love triangle between Neil, Kanika, Samar. At first Kanika fall for Neil but later she realized that she is not suitable for her and changes her mind to Samar. One more character Zeeshan has crush on Kanika he included himself in love triangle after ex poise of the character Neil. This controversies lead to some climax at the end. This is the one matter in this novel.

The other side which is the most pivotal one is AIDS episode of Radhika Merchant who is the mother of Kanika. She gets AIDS through the drug injection. Kanika doesn't oppose her because there is not so much of bond between them. Her father symbolizes an unworthy man who is always wants to escape from relationship commitments. The lack of love and relationship seen through the novel on one side and extreme care for Kanika on the other side through the characters such as Neil, Zeeshan, Samar later her father also. Thus the OXYMORON is presented through the authors Golden Letters.

The author presents the current situation of love. In this era there is no love without lust. Kanika and Samar make love on each other two times before their marriage. The pre martial sex is frequently seen in present generation. They are major. It is their interest whether they involve or not. Apart from that the picture of AIDS patients and their sufferings severely affects reader. This episode travels more speed than all other plots. This is not only a romance novel. It is more than that.

Thanks for spending your time by reading this. Any discussions on this novel is welcome.

Monday 23 March 2015

My Pompous lady

Hey… Pompous lady…
My eyes are so small
You still standing like a mending wall
The Great Wall of China…
You are my MYNAAH;
Please don’t tell about this to

Who says…??
Love is a four letter word.
It’s three Y-O-U
Why Elizebethen dramatist fell down?
If he still writing plays…
You will be her pompous Cleopatra.

Note:   Nainaah is a colloquial word in Tamil which means Father
          Mynaah is a colloquial name for a bird in Tamil.
          Elizebethen dramatist - Shakespeare

Saturday 21 March 2015

Not an End - Inbox collection

Mango, Orange, Grapes which is the sweetest?

Don't know...???? All are Frutiest not sweetest.


Beauty and colors always attract the eyes but only a simple smile will catch the attention of heart.


You may miss your lovable ones just by saying good bye.....

But your heart silently says , "I will wait for you till you come into my life again"


Everything is valuable

Before getting it..... & After losing it.


Full stop is not an end , because we can write a new sentence after it. same in life. Failure is not the

real end, it is the real beginning of success.


Friday 20 March 2015

Winner & Loser - Real life Narration

My mother is worrying about my future. She is always talking about my career, job, settling a comfortable life etc. In fact I am very much interest in using mobile phones, lap tops, tablet. It gives a kind of worry towards to my mother. She uses this tech addiction and makes me success in a Govt. board exam.

She makes a bet before a year ago. If I clear TET Govt. board exam she will offer a new mobile phone which is the most expensive nearly 10,000 rupees (Indian Money). I accepted her offer and started to work. In fact it is not hard work. My thoughts are fills with that machine rather than exams. Always carrying the book with my hands and trying to memorize those nasty things. I can manage to memorize as I best. I took special care for that and went for specific coaching center.

I attended the exam and waiting for result. I didn’t hope that I was going to pass. It was a wonder that I passed and got new mobile now.

Here is my question….

What is the main reason for my success?

My mother’s worry / my own interest/ a machine

My answer is the machine. This small example in my life shows how people are addicted towards the machine. The concept is changed now a day machines are ruling human beings. This is my simple message through my nasty scribbles.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Silent & Listen

“It’s probably no coincidence that listen and silent are built from the exact same letters.

                                                            Shelagh , Radio Host

“It’s the ordinary things that seem important to me”

                                                            Alex Colville , Painter

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation upon which I rebuilt my life”

                                                            J K Rowling

“I’ve never been inhibited by wanting to look smart”

                                                           Amanda Lang, Journalist

“There isn’t anyone you couldn’t love once you’ve heard their story”

                                                            Sister Mary Lou Kownacki , Author

“I think I was pretty crazy when I was young and made a lot of quick responses… I’m not that 
different now, but I do move a lot slower”

                                                           Neil Young

Adapted from READER'S DIGEST

Wednesday 18 March 2015

I am Alone

I am opening this small piece with a question.

How many of you like to be a lonely person?

There are so many examples of lonely person who are changed into achievers. It’s a true one. Is it possible whether a person survives alone? As words of Emerson Thoreau experiment it. The answer is YES. A person can survive without others help with the help of his hard work and knowledge. A person can survive alone in this machinery world. This is proved by Thoreau who lead lone life for two years , two months, two weeks , two minutes and his experience is reflected through his prose work WALDEN.

Living alone helps one people to think. It helps to get peace of mind. It acts as parallel point between thoughts and activities. It helps to solve so many problems. Some people like piece but some people hate it.

Loneliness gives confidence. There is no doubt that it makes a severe impact in one’s life. Many people felt wrong that loneliness means quit out all the relationships. The real meaning is to quit the external world. Many literary artists and comic actor Charlie Chaplin loved to live alone and lead lonely life.

Remind this

“World is not permanent , but
Loneliness may be permanent for a man”
Realize loneliness = Realize purity"

All the best. 

Originally written by Manimaran, Coimbatore (Tamil)
Translated by M.Karthick, coimbatore

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Paulo Coehlo’s Eleven Minutes – An Analysis

Eleven Minutes is a novel written by Paulo Coehlo, a Brazilian. It consists of so many erotic things and simply called as Erotic novel. It is a novel with erotic theme, a prostitute’s life. It is about the young girl who is dreamed about her future and decides to earn money. She accepts an offer from an agent to work at night club in Geneva. Later she realized that is here to work as prostitute. She continues her dream of future that she will get good husband and manage farm like that. She meets a guy who is a famous painter fall in love with him. The last part of novel is the big question whether they join or not?

The first few pages and last fifty pages nearly is full of erotic content. The author vividly portrays what is happening in the dark light. She uses the words like vagina, clitoris, and orgasm in an open manner. He writes in direct manner and presents what as it is.

In the beginning the bed scenes are represented as sexual point of view. Simply she attends a customer. She drinks her favorite cocktail drink. She goes to bed with him and give him pleasure. It is nothing but simply spread her thighs and lies down with guy. This symbolizes the male domination even though she doesn’t get any pleasure from them. In fact she suffers by pain by physically as well as mentally. Her only aim is to earn money and returning to her native. The theme of materialism and feminism is found here and there in the novel.

The theme of sadism is also presented in a little part. The author has a small touch upon it. He openly writes she is suffers by pain as well as pleasure. It gives her new experience and wants more. The author presents only a part of sadism but not fully. Sadism is more pain and torturing than pleasure but he portrays only pleasure.

The final part is exact contrast for opening part which contains erotic scene in a wild manner but with a love. Both are mourning and shouting wildly because of pleasure they get. They don’t make only one but twice. The title of novel ELEVEN MINUTES symbolizes the period of sexual intercourse. This is the time indicates the time of acquiring sexual pleasure for both male and female. This intercourse may be the one of the reasons for their reunion in the climax. Thus this novel is a Erotic within a story. The author wants to portray the life of a prostitute so erotic theme plays vital role than story. This is based on a real life incident. 

Insurgent - PRE REVIEW

The Divergent Series: Insurgent (also known as Insurgent) is a 2015 science fiction action film directed by Robert Schwentke, based on Insurgent, the second book in the Divergent trilogy, written by Veronica Roth. It is the sequel to the 2014 film Divergentand the second installment in The Divergent Series, produced by Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shabazian and Douglas Wick, with a screenplay by Brian Duffield, Akiva Goldsman, and Mark Bomback. Robert Schwentke took over from Neil Burger as director, while Burger will serve as the executive producer of the film. Adding to the existing cast, the supporting cast was filled out withOctavia SpencerNaomi WattsSuki WaterhouseRosa SalazarDaniel Dae KimJonny Weston, Emjay Anthony, and Keiynan Lonsdale.

The plot of Insurgent takes place three days after the previous installment and continues to follow Tris Prior; Tris and Four are on the run after evading a hostile takeover from Jeanine and the rest of Erudite. The faction system in post-apocalyptic Chicago is crumbling, and everyone is desperate for power — and answers. Filming began on May 27, 2014 in AtlantaGeorgia, before officially concluding on September 6, 2014.

The Divergent Series: Insurgent is scheduled to be released on March 20, 2015 in the United States in the IMAX 3D format as well as regular 3D and 2D.

As she searches for allies and answers in the wake of the uprising, Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James) are on the run. Being hunted by Jeanine Matthews (Kate Winslet), the leader of the Erudite faction, Tris and Four will race against time as they try to figure out what Abnegation sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them. Haunted by her past choices but desperate to protect the ones she loves, Tris faces one impossible challenge after another as she unlocks the truth about the past and ultimately the future of her world.


Saturday 14 March 2015

Road to Sucess

The vocabulary success means not to achieve goal, it means to create goal. Goal means which is the aim of life and hard to get it. General goal of man must be not to hurt others by physically or mentally. The real success is counted that you are living in the hearts of other people.

The two eyes of success are

1.                 Water clarity

Make others happy & lovable adjustments

Success is not about how you lead. It’s your life. The address for success is  hard work. There is a proverb called hard work never fails.

Try try try again. This will lead to success. Be patience and quiet. Get love and reflect it. Get success.

If you has qualification and hard work the success will come to your home.

Written by MANIMARAN, Coimbatore. (TAMIL)
Translated by M.KARTHICK.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

What is Equality - A Translation

Human society is constructed by inequalities. Inequalities are dependent upon one’s own individuals. Anyway still many people are fond of equality. So here is the question to analyze what is equality? How to protect equality? How to develop the attitude?  All is equal. Every person  must aware of these questions.

What is the explanation for before Indian law all are equal?

Every person must try to identify the meaning of above question/statement. The main suggestion for this conflict is think all are equal before the Indian law. This only pays the way for equality. Everyone must think about the possibilities of equality.

In India there is special concession for backward and rural communities. It is for their wealth and to develop their skills as well as their economic condition. Sometimes it may collapse the equality. There is no division like low and high by birth. Persons who are in charge for birthing must start to think all are equal.

Equality is not purchasable. It is from our virtues only. Every individual must realize this. It also helps to lead equality.

Numbers may be fall down…
But thoughts never
Protect equality
Develop brotherhood.

Originally written by Manimaran, Coimbatore (Tamil Language)
Translated by M.Karthick, Coimbatore

Tuesday 10 March 2015


Four letter word
There are two & too...
Not to separate to do
Nothing wrong.

Unable to get marry
They don't wanna say sorry
Main obstacle is Cassette
Had money in wallet
Mission impossible.

No one can stop them
They are in joy
Decided to enjoy
Got engagement;
Say Good-bye With tears
Physics might be broken
But their true love didn't.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Cricket - Philosophical poem

I am near century,
In need to protect my wicket.
There is no guarantee;
Life is like a game of cricket;
No definite time for mortuary.

Earth is Perth;
Hardly boundaries and sixes
Pitch of devil
This term is not in ours BIRTH
Are you an Achiever?

Yes, you born in devil's ground
Not alone,
With me and this Poem
Shot obstacles
Must become Man of Match.

Monday 2 March 2015


SHP is one of the most common terms now a days. SHP-Second Hand Products.

There are many websites like--------.com etc to sell unused products. Sometimes it success for buyers and for maximum miserably failed. People go on with SHP because for minimal costs. SHP started from products like Motor cycle, Light Motor vehicle.... now it is coming for mobiles, laptops and other gadgets. Even some clothes also available in ------.com . One must aware about those second hand products before you buy. For examples if you wanna buy mobi thriough these sites one must go on net and get knowledge on the producet. Before you give money to seller you must verify whether the condition of product is good or not. Many cheaters are available to sell smuggling/repaired product. You must check the bill of products and about warranty also. SO, BEWARE OF THE TERM SHP otherwise Stay Back. Its better to buy first hand.


We already seen some features of developing technology. As my post PRIVACY FOR FREE i read many articles on past two days about PRIVACY PIRACY. It is nothing but stealing privacy of a person. Technology helps to protect our piracies but it also helps to hack one's privacy. For example if a girl upload a photo in facebook, it can easily download and save and morphing as anything. So girls must aware of it. Not only in FaceBook, Personal sms, whats app, facebook messenger many things are possible for leak. Please think that many softwares are available such as File recovery etc which acts as one of the tools to steal others image (Of course it helps to recover lost documents also). We should think about these major problem in technology and please one of us try to develop strong software to protect ouselves. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS ARTICLE AND SHARE IT TO OUR FRIENDS.

Sunday 1 March 2015


Good Marrow!
I am the main reason
For this destruction
Unable to Reconstruction,

Red is replaced for brown
It is from many known
Youths doesn't realize my value
One day i will gone
But never come back.

Red juices are going to overflow
For me
I am an abstract.....

I am the one and only reason
For many creations and all these shods
Yes Yes.. you got it.