Monday 2 March 2015


SHP is one of the most common terms now a days. SHP-Second Hand Products.

There are many websites etc to sell unused products. Sometimes it success for buyers and for maximum miserably failed. People go on with SHP because for minimal costs. SHP started from products like Motor cycle, Light Motor vehicle.... now it is coming for mobiles, laptops and other gadgets. Even some clothes also available in . One must aware about those second hand products before you buy. For examples if you wanna buy mobi thriough these sites one must go on net and get knowledge on the producet. Before you give money to seller you must verify whether the condition of product is good or not. Many cheaters are available to sell smuggling/repaired product. You must check the bill of products and about warranty also. SO, BEWARE OF THE TERM SHP otherwise Stay Back. Its better to buy first hand.

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