Friday 20 March 2015

Winner & Loser - Real life Narration

My mother is worrying about my future. She is always talking about my career, job, settling a comfortable life etc. In fact I am very much interest in using mobile phones, lap tops, tablet. It gives a kind of worry towards to my mother. She uses this tech addiction and makes me success in a Govt. board exam.

She makes a bet before a year ago. If I clear TET Govt. board exam she will offer a new mobile phone which is the most expensive nearly 10,000 rupees (Indian Money). I accepted her offer and started to work. In fact it is not hard work. My thoughts are fills with that machine rather than exams. Always carrying the book with my hands and trying to memorize those nasty things. I can manage to memorize as I best. I took special care for that and went for specific coaching center.

I attended the exam and waiting for result. I didn’t hope that I was going to pass. It was a wonder that I passed and got new mobile now.

Here is my question….

What is the main reason for my success?

My mother’s worry / my own interest/ a machine

My answer is the machine. This small example in my life shows how people are addicted towards the machine. The concept is changed now a day machines are ruling human beings. This is my simple message through my nasty scribbles.

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