Sunday 5 April 2015

Quotes - Reader's Digest

I Enjoy and am enjoying the good things that come along with (aging)... Nobody can buy experience. Nobody can buy wisdom. Nobody can buy a shared history with others that you get by being relevant and engaged year upon year. - ROB LOWE, Actor


The Price Of Greatness is more than you want to pay. The world's most legendary athletes are usually the ones wildly out of balance. Michael Jordan had to crush you, whether you were an opponent for a team mate... enjoy your heroes, but don't envy them. - RICK REILLY, Sportswriter


I wish America would spend even half as much time complaining about plastics in our oceans as we do about actresses' plastic surgery. - BETTE MIDLER, Actress and Philanthropist


I don't understand the hullabaloo about inner beauty. What actually brings out your beauty is the radiance of being content and you can be only content when you are employed in something you love.


Perhaps even more often than exchanging pleasantries, we also exchange dissatisfactions... Two strangers complaining on a subway platform can end up cracking a smile or laughing, and though it would hardly be considered the beginning of a lifelong friendship, it is still neighbourly.
-MARIANA ALESSANDRI, Professor of Philosophy.


The use of torture compromises that which most distinguishes us from our enemies; our belief that all people , even ... enemies , possess basic human rights. - JOHN MCCAIN, US Senator.


In most societies , we (recognize) the right of people to keep secrets. But really, there's only one purpose for keeping secrets: exist to prevent other people from acting as they would if they had complete information. -NOAH DYER


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