Thursday 30 April 2015

Unlocking Good Life

Accept your fault. It means he attains extra cleverness than yesterday.


Life is delight one. Don’t spoil by your unawareness.


Appreciate others; you will be appreciated. Respect others; you will be respected. Love others; you will be loved twice. These things are not like one way traffic; its two way traffic. No place for money in love and vice versa.


A person who lived for himself was not worthy one. A person who lived for others was only worthy.


Words are the symbol of our thoughts. Don’t spoil by tearing and make it as dirty.


For a lazy person breathing seems to be as hard work. For a bee person lifting mountain is seems as breathing one.


A life which doesn't has any aim or goal is like a ship without compass at a center of the sea.


Thinking is an art. A good and bold thinker becomes an artist.


If you have friendship of legend, you would become a legend. You wouldn’t become millionaire if you have friendship with a millionaire.


Happiness lies is not in what are you doing. It lies in how much your involvement in doing.


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