Sunday 12 April 2015

White colour Relationship - My 51st Post

There are so many responsibilities for humans regarding relationships. This starts from womb and ends at graveyard. The saints are also included in this responsibilities. For saints God , Mother and Devotees are relations. He must maintain the pure relationship among them. Not only for human beings, animals also. The relationship is same but dimensions only differs. In the life of human being every ship is valuable and precious.

In India there is hardly joint families. There is less unity. People are split into pieces and lead monotonous life. There is rare attachment between relationships. Money only matters in this materialistic world. That kind is relationships are not permanent. Sometimes it creates enemy.


The main disadvantage of relationship today is possessiveness. Dominating attitude is one of the main reasons for failure. The main purpose and real meaning of pure relationship is giving strength in disaster time. The pure relationship needs support and encouragement. Give our hand and maintain the white color.

Originally written by Manimaran P
Translated by Karthick M

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