Tuesday 6 December 2016

Frantz Fanon’s Tripartite Process with Reference to Chinua Achebe’s Selected Novels

A Study on Frantz Fanon’s Tripartite Process with Reference to Chinua Achebe’s Selected Novels

Colonialism made its impact on bodies and minds as well as on material conditions. – W.E.B Do Bouis

The emergence of post colonialism from the year 1930s and it reflects the encounters made by colonialization. Generally, post colonialism throws the light on brutal sufferings of colonized countries. As Bouis says it made severe impact on psychological assets and material assets. There are several militant movements and activities were born against colonial activities. Edward Said, Frantz fanon, Gayatri Spivak and many African theorists are famous for post colonial writings. This paper is an attempt to study on Frantz Fanon’s tripartite process with reference to Chinua Achebe’s selected novels Things Fall Apart, Broken Arrow and No Longer at Ease. 

 The term ‘post colonialism’ refers to historical, political, cultural and textual ramifications of the colonial encounters between the west and non west, dating from sixteenth century to present day. In some countries it was named as purna swaraj(India), ujamaa – independence (Tanzania), amandala – the power of people (South Africa). The term can be referred in different names but the principles are same.
Post colonial writing tries to retrieve the lost culture and identity. During the period of colonization the natives are shown as secondary figures. In the post colonial writings desire for rebirth is found. The authors want to give rebirth and new identity through their writings. Writings in 1960s in the context of Algeria and its French colonial occupation, Frantz Fanon have been an influential figure in post colonial theory.
He was fascinated by the psychological effects of colonized people. He argues that colonialism destroyed every human soul. The feeling of slavery enters into human mind and makes them to rise against it. It pays way for anti-colonial movements and activities. The non-western people are the most affected mostly African people. Stuart Hall calls the black world as third world. The people in the third world are unable to recover from the effects of colonization. They are given secondary importance. They begin to feel inferior regarding their tradition, culture and religion. Fanon calls it as arsenal of complexes (the feelings of inferiority and social invisibility).
The natives are started to adopt western culture and tradition because of inferiority feeling. The people who lost their faith start to accept this but people who are staunch supporters will not accept this. Thus this stage marks the beginning of tripartite process. According to Fanon a national culture is framed in three stages. He called it as tripartite process and the process is as follows:
1.      Assimilating colonizer’s culture
2.      Discover themselves as black
3.      Anti-colonial activities

The success of this process depends upon psychological disturbance of colonized people. In his famous work Wretched of the Earth Fanon says,
‘‘The black had to create their own history, write their own stories and it is through this control over representation that the native can break free of the colonial shackles’’
            Chinua Achebe is one of the famous writers who reflect the desire to retrieve his culture and tradition (lost his culture and tradition by colonization). His writing shows his thirst to find unique identity for what his country lost. He decides to frame his own culture. His works portray the brutal sufferings of Igbo community and how the community rises against colonization. Fanon’s tripartite process can be found in Achebe’s novels such as Things fall apart, Arrow of God and No Longer at Ease.

Things Fall Apart
            Okonkwo was the warrior and the leader of Umuofia, a lower Nigerian tribe. He was the staunch believer of his tradition and he was ready to sacrifice his son Ikemefune for his community as the words of oracle. Accidentally Okonkwo killed a clansman so that he forced to exile for seven years including his family. During the second year of Okonkwo’s exile, he came to know that missionaries are entered in their community and they had been tried to convert them into Christianity. He tried to protest against this pious colonialism and made sacrifice his life.
Arrow of God
            Ezeulu was the chief priest of God Ulu, worshiped by the six villages of Umuaro. The plot began with the fighting between Ezeulu and Umuaro, two nearby villagers but the same Igbo community. This quarrel was resolved by the colonial administrator Winterbottom and he offered Ezeulu to be a colonial administrator. He refused this offer. He was thrown into prison. He believed that he was half spirit and half man. When Ezeulu returned from prison, he refused to call the feast despite being implored by other important men in the village to compromise. Ezeulu had reason to the people and to himself that it was not his will but Ulu's. The yams began to rot in the field, and a famine ensued for which the village blamed Ezeulu. Seeing this as an opportunity, John Goodcountry proposed that the village offer thanks to the Christian God instead so that they may harvest what had remained of their crops with "immunity". Many of the villagers had already lost their faith in Ezeulu. One of Ezeulu's sons died during a traditional ceremony, and the village interpreted this as a sign that Ulu had abandoned their priest. Rather than face another famine, the village converts to Christianity
No Longer at ease
            This novel began with a trail against a young man Obi who was educated in England. He went England to study the law but he changed to English. After he came from Nigeria he got a post in scholarship board of civil service. Even though he had a job but miserably failed to impress Clara. So she refused to marry him. He rejected all bribes and led an honest life. His mother becomes very ill and he started to accept bribes. His economic condition became worst because of his honest life. Her mother dead and he became mentally unrest. The acceptance of bribe became habitual for him. At a point he decided that he would not stand anymore. He has paid off all of his debts and could no longer be a part of the corruption. It was at this moment, however, when he had taken his last bribe, that he was caught, which brings us back to the beginning of the novel.
            These three novels are considered as an African trilogy which deals with physical and mental state of colonized people. The characters like Obi, Ezeulu, Okonkwo were realistic representation of colonized people. Chinua Achebe displayed not only brutal sufferings of land but also psychological encounters they made. Fanon analysed colonized people’s psychological aspects in his famous work Wretched of the Earth. He analysed their mental state within three processes which is already mentioned above.
            In Arrow of God, Ezeulu believed that he is half human and half spirit and lost faith of his people. The people are slowly adapted to Christianity. The protagonist takes these things into their mind and tried to assimilate. He fails to cross Fanon’s second stage. He stops at assimilation. In No Longer at Ease, the protagonist could not stand in his moral principle even though he was staunch supporter of his tradition and culture. He is not mentally steady. This mental weakness induced him to his change of course. The character Obi miserably failed even at the first stage.
            Frantz Fanon’s three stages of schema suitably fit into the work Things Fall Apart. The character Okonkwo, who comes to know about Christian missionaries started to assimilate the western culture. He took the analysis of his own culture and tradition and finds mentally disturbed. Thus the second process ‘disturbance’ is initiated. It makes a person to struggle against colonial movements. This rise leads to third phase which is known as ‘furious fight’ or ‘forced fight’. This third phase makes a person to act violently against colonial movements. It acts as reason to formation of many militant acts.
            While a colonized person reaches the final phase of Fanon’s tripartite process force and vengeance rised against their colonisers, they attains death. Even though he sacrifices his life at this final phrase, it is considered as the origin for anti colonial movements. The character Okonkwo rises in his third phase without any supporters. It shows his level of confidence. The protagonist attains the highest level of confidence through tripartite process.

Works Cited

Primary Resources

Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor, 1994. Print.
Achebe, Chinua. Arrow of God. New York: Anchor, 1989. Print.
Achebe, Chinua. No Longer at Ease. New York: Anchor, 1994. Print.

Secondary Sources

BARRY, PETER. "Post Colonialism." BEGINNING THEORY. S.l.: MANCHESTER UNIV, 2017. N. pag. Print

Waugh, Patricia. "Post Colonialism." Literary Theory and Criticism: An Oxford Guide. New York: Oxford UP, 2006. N. pag. Print.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Make yourself worth

Don't know who wrote this.. Hats off to him

Man O Man!
When without money,
eats vegetables at home;
When has money,
eats the same vegetables in a fine restaurant.
When without money, rides bicycle;
When has money rides the same ‘exercise machine’.
When without money walks to earn food
When has money, walks to burn fat;

Man O Man! Never fails to deceive thyself!
When without money,
wishes to get married;
When has money,
wishes to get divorced.
When without money,
wife becomes secretary;
When has money,
secretary becomes wife.
When without money, acts like a rich man;
When has money acts like a poor man.
Man O Man! Never can tell the simple truth!
Says share market is bad,
but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil,
but keeps accumulating.
Says high Positions are lonely,
but keeps wanting them.
Says gambling & drinking is bad,
but keeps indulging;

Man O Man! Never means what he says and never says what he means..

"I failed in 8th standard"
-Sachin Tendulkar

"During my secondary school, I was dropped from school basketball
team"          -MichelI Jordan

"I was rejected for the job in All India Radio bcoz of my heavy voice"
- Amitabh Bacchan

"I used to work in petrol Bunks"
- Dhirubhai Ambani

"I was rejected in the interview of Pilot"
- Abdul Kalam

"I didn't even complete my university education"
- Bill Gates 

"I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training"
- Lionel Messi

"I used to sleep on the floor in friends rooms, returning Coke bottles  for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple"
-Steve Jobs

"My teachers used to call me a failure"
- Tony Blair

"Friends, there are many such people who

Life is not about what you couldn't do so far, it's about what you can still do. Wait n dont ever give up.. Miracles happen every day....Rs.20 seems too much to give a beggar but it seems okay when its given as tip at a fancy restaurant.

After a whole day of work, Hours at the gym seem alright but helping your Mother out at home seems like a burden.

Praying to god for 3 min takes too much time but watching a movie for 3 hours doesn't.

Wait a whole year for Valentine's day but we always forget Mother's day.

Two poor starving kids sitting on the pavement weren't given even a slice of Bread but a painting of them sold for lakhs of Rupees.

Think about It..
Make a change. Coz u can ....

Give a smile to someone.
Each time u gift a smile, it will make someone's day.....

TAKEN FROM WHATS APP MESSAGE.. -An anonymous author

Monday 31 October 2016

Why I am loving rain?

Something I love about rains

"The heavy thunder storm echoing the skies, the fresh smell of wet sand, lighting striking the dark cloudy sky like a sparkling firework.....

Songs of frogs in the little puddles of water in paddy fields,

bright beams of candle light in every dark room,
sound of rain water hitting the trees and empty roads,
chill breeze kissing your face..


Saturday 22 October 2016

A Mnemonic Device to Re-experience Cultural Genealogy and Reconciliation

Neha Soman

Complex Trauma: A Mnemonic Device to Re-experience Cultural Genealogy and Reconciliation. A Study through Richard Flanagan’s Death of a River Guide, The Sound of One Hand Clapping and Narrow Road to the Deep North

Post Traumatic Growth has been researched in a hugely diverse set of traumatic events from divorce and death to natural disasters or terrorist attacks. The literature on PTG shows that even though the causes of PTG are vast and the benefits reported fall into three categories.
·         Feeling stronger and finding hidden abilities and strengths
·         Good relationships are strengthened
·         Priorities and philosophies concerning the present day are altered
Trauma is no more private but it indicates socio – cultural importance. Not all experiences regulate overwhelming emotions and lead to trauma related disorder. Even the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can influence an individual to arouse his cultural and ethnical identity. The three selected novels of Australian writer Richard Flanagan elucidate the capability of human beings to overcome trauma inflicted on them and regulate a sense of meaning from what they have experienced. A sense of belonging is developed both personally and culturally and characters re-experience their cultural genealogy by converting PTDS (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) to PTG (Post Traumatic Growth).
The sense of genealogy presents an alternative to usual theories of trauma which focus on individual pathology. It presents a way to the lineage. Traumatic realism allows for a re-examination of how the margins of the historical can be inscribed within the boarder of social and historical trauma. Trauma can no longer be considered as a taunting feeling that can destroy even the present and future of an individual. It gives the power to draw new patterns of the meaning making process. Going through a traumatic experience will definitely make an impact of psychological shock and rather than in taking it as a negative drive, the attributes of trauma can be used for re-experiencing identity.

Every day we hear grim and grimmer news that suggests we are passing through the winter of the world. Everywhere man is tormented, the globe reels from multitudes of suffering and horror, and, worst, we no longer know with confidence what our answer might be. And yet we understand that the time approaches when an answer must be made or a terrible reckoning will be ours. The novels of Australian writer Richard Flagan declare the centrality and necessity of writing about Australian displacement.
In a debut novel from Tasmania, Death of a River Guide, a dying man is haunted by a swirl of ancestral secrets. Protagonist Alijaz’s ancestral secrets – miscegenation, convicts in the family and get a legacy of violence are of course the secrets of Tasmanian history. In the 19th century, the island was settled by criminals, often against their will, becoming home to the most brutal and desolate prison in the British Empire. The island’s Aborigines were hunted, herded onto reservations and by the 1850’s all but eradicated. Thus their past is haunted and traumatic. Giving a narrator the freedom to beam up stories from anywhere in time and space is a potent and liberating device for an artist with a strong vision and tight focus. The book struggles to capture Tasmania on the page and every detail is working to that end. Granted the legendary ability of drowning men to see their life flash in front of them, Ajiaz envisions his life, the lives of his parents and also of his ancestors.  The story is told in flashbacks. The visions that he gets comprise a richly layered narrative that leaps among such events and experiences as Alijaz,s own birth, his troubled youth and Flagan mixes these heady materials skillfully, focusing on illustrations of the inherited rootlessness and restlessness that have shaped the protagonist. And the narrative is enlivened by such magical – realist particulars as a funeral at which the crucified Christ appears to bleed, and the spectacle of a bedspread permanently stained by a woman’s tears.

The second novel, Sound of One Hand Clapping is about an unhappy woman, Sonja Buloh who returns to remotest Tasmania to revisit scenes of her tortured childhood and to have a baby. Much of Flagan’s story is in flashback, being comprised of the tale, set in 1954, of Sonja’s father Bojan and his wife Maria. Bojan and Maria are immigrants Slovenians who immigrated to Australia so that Maria could work on backcountry hydroelectric projects, then touted as the great precursor to prosperity much as such project were in the American West. Maria however is bored and unsatisfied with her life and wanders off to her death in blizzard, leaving Bojan to raise Sonja alone. He is a sentimental man who loves to work with wood, but he is also afflicted by his memories of war and by his eternal grieving for Maria. Upon her return, nevertheless, daughter and father become reconciled; it is almost as if Sonja is the reappeared Maria, and her baby Sonja’s own infant self itself. Everyone is given another chance. Even the land reverts to its primitive state, the dam breaking at last in concert with these revitalized lives, as if its violation of nature had caused human woes, too.
In the third novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North, Flanagan juxtaposes horror and love in a contrast that is so stark it can leave a reader breathless. From the opening, the novel jumps from past to present, from moment to moment, country to country with the ease of memory. A sophisticated form that asks attention from the reader, for if they are not careful, like memory, the prose could blur together. As the story progresses it settles, and this fluidity with chronology allows for the juxtapositions that give the novel its power. The telling of Dorrigo Evans, the main character, as a doctor in a prisoner of war camp on the line, is disturbing and vivid. In opposition to its hellish setting, much of the novel unfolds as a love story of epic, Grecian proportions, set in beachside Adelaide. The story does turn on the power of a poem or a letter and this power of language is returned with a rhythm that is poetic. At moments throughout the story, books and poems become talisman. They hold a power over life and death. It also provides a link between Australians and the Japanese in a story that considering the subject matter, could easily have fallen into the realm of black and white, good and bad.

These three novels hold the perfect characteristics of displacement and the followed trauma.   But the characters survive from their taunting past because they tried to change their post traumatic stress to post traumatic growth. Everyone has a second chance. But it is important to understand and analyze how to turn the negative into positive to build up a perfect future.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Waats up status-A love package

It is so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember...


You may be out of sight# but never out of my mind..


The strongest feelings can't be explained, they just can be felt.


I am mad to grab your fingers.. my dear rose..


A smile you sent, will always return.


I felt like an idiot for missing you.


I would search my life through and through... but could never find another YOU. I feel complete when I am with you.


Crazy love... it made me crazy to be with you.


Saturday 15 October 2016

Inferno - Review

Another most anticipated movie is in theatres... guess what?

Yes .. you are right...

Dan Brown's Inferno movie version..

Let's see how the movie is..

What are the sources of Dan Brown's novel?

Religious or historical informations, clues, mysteries, a professor, a girl, an antagonist and an adventurous plot.
It will become a successful cocktail party with several unknown informations. Similarly Inferno contains the same. The film starts with Dante's Inferno (Hell drawing) with a clue... errrr.... hmmm... clue and a clue and a solution.....

The concept is "population is dangerous". A billionaire discovers virus called Inferno and he decides to spread to kill bunch of people to reduce population. He comes to know that he is going to die. So he makes clue for her fiancรฉe and Mr.Langton is the only person who can decipher it. Everything is fine in this film. These are things to give jet speed movie. But the things happened in a contrary manner. For your information I didn't read book version, so I am go for movie version.

From my point of view, screenplay is not satisfied. Comparing with Davinci and Angels & Demons Inferno's screenplay is just an average. The movie can be watched because of very few scenes (stealing masks and deciphering clues). The another important thing is Tom Hanks' acting. He is always rocks. Music, cinematography no doubt add more beautiful and charming for the location.

Overall Inferno not fully satiesfied but not a worst film.. I suggest you people feel better to go for book.

My rating 5/10
Imdb 6.6/10

Friday 9 September 2016

Skiptrace - Review

          Skiptrace is an another usual Chan's fest. The world's super star do not take much risk for this movie. The film consists of couple of action scenes, fault wit which do not give laughter, and a partner. This movie resembles Rush Hour series but it does not work much. The twist at the end is also guessed before it reach the climax. The screenplay is weak and chan must have to concentrate on his upcoming films.
          Chan worked hard for this entire film and he is the one man army throughout the film. The movie is watchable because of chan's face and his risky stunts even at this age. The beautiful thing in this film is the journey of two contrast characters ( a police and a thief). None of them scored as much as jackie but in some places Knox did well. Overall Skiptrace is an average chan film but lack of strong screenplay. It is one time worth to watch for all kind of audience.

IMDB - 5.8/10

My Rating - 5/10

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Don't Breathe - Review

Don’t Breathe is a rocking psychological thriller from the director of Evil Dead Fede Alvarez. The movie is webbed by unexpected plot and incident. This is totally a contrast film regarding audience expectation. Rocky, Alex and Money are the three Detroit thieves. They decide to loot big amount of money and settle. They found a retired army man (blind) have enormous amount of money in his damaged home. Alex is against this idea. Even though Alex is against it they enter army man’s horror house and some secrets have to be revealed.

The audiences think that this is a ghost film but the thing is, it is a psychological horror (better than ordinary ghost films). The way the movie presented is heart beating. From the opening scene while the blind man lift an unconscious girl into his house, the audience have been at the edge of seat and they remain till the end of movie.

Even the dog gives horror feelings. The way the camera captured is the best example for other movies to follow heart beating close ups. It seems like we are travelling with camera. First person camera angles worked out well throughout the movie. The darkness is the major plus point and it adds horror to the horrible horror. The blind man’s brutal character is revealed when he tries to insert his sperm to Rocky’s body in an artificial manner. This is the most disturbing part in this film. The film portrays how an army man affected by totalitarian society and how the world is materialized without humanity.

The cinematography and background score shows how the team worked hard for this movie’s success. DON’T BREATHE is must watchable in theater for good effect.

IMDB – 7.7/10

Rotten Tomatoes – 86%

Metacritic – 71%

My rating 6.5/10

Friday 12 August 2016

Happiness overloaded

This is a poetical and emotional expression of an young girl who met her friends after long time.. Here her feelings.. I hope it will plant more love on your heart.

Am surprised ๐Ÿ˜ฎ&shocked๐Ÿ˜ฏ by u guys.... A sudden visit of u guys... Your visit made me to go back ๐ŸŒ€to my good olden days .. I am Happy to have such a lovable idiots๐Ÿ‘ฌ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿ‘ซ in my life who expect only love ❤️nothing more than that... Our ages may be different but we all have same taste and craziness..  You came to c your lovable crazy stupid angry Friend... Love you idiots... You were the guys who stood with me in all my happy & bad times, picked me up when I fell, your words encouraged me. You were one of my reasons for my success. You guys never made me to feel alone whenever I am with you.

Even though I am surrounded by lovely souls I am missing my specil soul so much... Addicted to the love of for particular person... I Don't know why I am expecting that soul but I am loving him unconditionally... That soul is my brother. Miss you broo...


Thursday 28 July 2016

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

          The Metamorphosis is a short novel by Kafka. It was translated from German language in the year 1946. The novel is identified as a work of existentialism. The notable thing is that the novel set in the period of World War. Kafka portrayed the mentality of a common person and his feelings.

          One morning the Protagonist Samsa became a bug. From the time his life became a tragedy. His family members were alienated him.They became selfish and neglect him. They imprisoned in a dark room and they would not allow him outside. Several characters like maid were come and went. Nobody was willing to help him except his lovable sister. Gradually his sister lost his interest in maintaining the dark room. After the permanent sleep of Samsa the family forgot him and they became happy.

          The author portrayed the struggles of working class life through the characters Samsa and his father. Even the love making between his mother and father became mechanical. Samsa's family was the good example during the period of war. The people's opinion on urbanization and globalization is terribly portrayed. The struggles of working class, absence of love, loss of humanity was pictured by Kafka.

          If you get the opportunity to read The Metamorphosis just read and loss in author's bliss of language.


 Kafka, Franz, and A. L. Lloyd. Metamorphosis. New York: Vanguard, 1946. Print. 

Friday 22 July 2016

Life is your what you write...

Whats app and Hike becomes one of the major applications in our daily life. It is the place people are exploring their feelings, sometimes they are exploring their inner feeling through their status. Here are some interesting collection of some of my friend's statuses..

1.You are the sunshine that makes my day.

2.If you can dream it, you can do it.

3.Beginning is always harder.

4.I am here not to be average, I am here to be awesome.

5.With the right music, you either forget everything or you remember everything.

6.God will make a way, when there is no way.

7.Memories are timeless treasure of life.

8.I am fire, try to come closer.

9.I am selfish, because I will never share you with anyone.

10.Everything is possible;be bold.

Interesting isn't it. Somehow I made a post from my friends' status. Please don't tell them...

          - to be continued

Thursday 21 July 2016

Let's go to Success

There is a difference between conceit and confidence. Conceit is bragging. Confidence is believing you can get the job done.
 - Johnny Unitas

It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.
 - Vince Lombardi

Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.
 - G.K. Nielson

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others.
 - Socrates

Success doesn’t come to you. You go to it.
 - Marva Collins

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
 - Mark Twain

Sunday 17 July 2016

What is 'not Love'?

"Luv is not about the Words๐Ÿ˜‹ ,
Luv is not about the Sex๐Ÿ’ ,
Luv is not about the msg's or phn calls
Luv is not about the Gifts or Presents ๐Ÿ’Œ
Luv is not about the looks or money u have
Luv is not about the Age or colour of ur Skin
Luv is not about the Hugs or Kisses u give
Luv is not To Use Boy as Security
Luv is not To Use Girl for Satisfaction ,
Luv is not a Game to play
Luv is not a fame to have
Luv is the Beautiful feeling between the 2 Souls , Which never end even thou ur Body burn's into Ash  .
Ur Heart crushed into pieces .

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Feminism and The Cinderella Complex

          The Women's movement was started from the following famous books: The Vindication of Rights of Women, The Second Sex, The Subjection of Family etc (1960's). Moreover in the concept of feminism several new ideas were pointed out by various artists. For example, Showalter`s three phases, Ecriture Feminine from Julia Kristeva, Debates and Arguments in The Second Sex and so on.

What is Feminism?

Feminism claims equal rights including voting, owning property, liberty, education, political influences, maternity leave, in marriage. It is against for women`s harassment. It helps to protect a girl from rape and domestic violence.

Another new term which is closely related to this topic is 'The Cinderella Complex`.

The concept of 'Cinderella Complex` is first explained by Colette Dowling. This concept deal with an unconscious desire to be taken care of others. This complex becomes more apparent when a girl grows older.

The term 'Cinderella' is derived from a fairy tale Cinderella, a girl who is polite, graceful, beautiful, hardworking but she cannot change her situations and she must be helped by others. The twenty first century women are indirectly affected by this complex. Even though there are several actions are taken by Indian government to protect girls, harassment is happening. The major reason is this complex. 

It is a step by step process:

1. A boy pretends to love a girl.

2.He starts to talk with her in a genuine manner.

3.He starts to give important suggestions and this is the first step in the complex.

4.Gradually she started to depend him even for a small decision.

5. This will develop and she always expecting for his decision.

These five steps pays way for further harassment and betrayal. In the modern fiction, the characters of Indian women are mostly affected by this complex. The most recent example is Novoneel`s The Stranger Triology. An unknown stranger throws a female protagonist in this situation. She is expecting an unknown person's decision for her every moment. Girls must aware of this complex and their decision must be theirs. Their life; their decision. Do not involve other person`s influence on your life. 


      Barry, Peter. "Feminist Criticism." Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1995. N. pag. Print.
     Dowling, Colette. The Cinderella Complex: Women's Hidden Fear of Independence. New York: Summit, 1981. Print.

Friday 10 June 2016

The Reality in OPPORTUNITY

Hi buddies, the word OPPORTUNITY is always trending in this competitive world. You may hear use opportunities or you may hear the advice from elders or from the motivational speakers "do not wait for opportunity. create opportunity". I does not believe in so called "creating opportunity".

One may have talents, it may wastes by not getting apt opportunity. The people who are intellectuals are maximum used their opportunity. One person can create opportunity who is RICHIE RICH. Otherwise normal people are unable to create.

Let it take this way... develop your skills in your profession, just wait , sit back & relax for the opportunity. A person who is not use his opportunity is the real foolish but not creator. This is not a movie by just like this creating opportunity. It can be happen in a step by step process. He can use his situation for their favor time ( Here, adapting the situation. It may called as creating opportunity). Whatever, using or creating ... this is the reality in opportunity. Keep update your skills and wait like a lion for his prey.


Friday 3 June 2016

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - First day review

The past few days in Hollywood is dedicated to children. There are many movies like captain America, Angry Birds, The Jungle Book were released. This week theatres are occupied by Angry Birds and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. Let’s see (Teenage Mutant) how much it satisfied the audience.

The major advantage in Ninja Turtles is suitable for all ages (Angry Birds are attracted to children in most of the areas). Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is a sequel to Ninja series. Comparing with previous one the movie length is little bit of long and less entertainer. The common fact in both series is glamorous baby doll Megan Fox.

It is based on an Alien’s war on earth and how those heroes protected the Earth. The one more question is whether the people will accept the turtles or not? You can find answers by watching this movie in theater.

What the disappointing thing is turtles are given more importance than villains. The film is running for two hours. Ninety percent of the screen is filled by these turtles (Please give more chance to Megan Fox by A GLAMOUR LOVER FAN). In some places it seems like watching animated film. The script is very weak and graphics is the pillar of the film. The visual effects are fulfilled. The important thing is the role played by WWE superstar SHEAMUS. It is hard to digest he is a comical character even he did well. He is suitable for villain character or heroic rather than comedian.

In several places like sudden acceptance of authority without consulting president, sudden revelation from shadows, revealing identity seems illogical. All these things are happened just like that (Logic is not necessary for this film but it is my professional ethics). Otherwise the team who made this film is deserved to be applause for giving this financially successful movie. I hope the next sequel will be a careful screenplay and plot from the makers. Overall the film is not like X-Men, Angry Bird, and Civil War. It is not a disappointment and able to satisfy children. An average masterpiece and it is worth to watch for a time.

IMDB - 6.6/10
IGN - 6.5/10