Friday 31 May 2019

Pet Sematary (2019)- Review

Pet Sematary is a terrific novel from the hands of Stephen King, the king of horror writer. It is adapted as a film with the same title and absolutely it is a terrified one.

Dr.Louis's family relocate to a rural place and they have found horrible burial place behind their home. The semetary is filled with horror. If a person is buried on that sand, he/she will come back as an evil. The mystical chain reaction starts with the death of his cat.

Only Stephen King can write an unexpected terrific climax for these type of film. As usual, the BGM is two hundred percent perfect and it makes the horrible situation in a live manner. The film ends with the lead to sequel.

The character of El, Rachel and even the cat were given equal importance. Even the cat  gives horror feeling in this film. This is where the success lies on director's hat. Hats off to the whole team and this is the best movie version from Stepen King's adaptation after IT.

Overall the film is awesome. The unusual story and plot give a successful flower to the director. A satisfied and terrific horror.

IMDB 6/10
Sharkz scale 7/10

Thursday 30 May 2019

Godzilla 2: The King of Monsters

The king of monsters is a sequel to Godzilla (2014). It is a separate cinematic universe like Marvel and DC. We have to understand the timeline of this monstrous universe.  The first movie is Godzilla(2014), then Kong: The Skull Island (prequel to godzilla) and now its The King of Monsters.

As usual Godzilla helps people to win over an alien monster MONSTER ZERO and he becomes the king. The next sequel is between Kong and Godzilla and it is titled as God vs King.
This sequel receives 50-50 positive and negative comments among movie critics.

There is only VFX in the entire movie and it seems like artificial in many places. The climax war between Godzilla and Monster Zero is really a disappointment and it seems like Tekken Video game... Round 1... Fight...

There is no proper explanation for the logical question that why Godzilla always stands human side from the ancient times. As usual, there is no injuries or harm for hero and family. As usual, Godzilla wins and there is an end credit scene which leads to the sequel Kong vs Godzilla.

The BGM and VFX gives life for this film. The actors give their best in front of green mat. Michael Doughrety must try the new things and come up with creative ideas for his next sequel. All are as usual and nothing is unusual. These usual things are the major drawback. Pacific-Rim is better than this sequel.

Overall the film is guarenteed entertainment for two hours if you do not know what to do for this weekend. Worth to watch in theatres.

IMDB 7.4/10
RT 54%
Sharkz Scale 5.5/10

This is the seventy fifth movie on Godzilla and comment your favourite movie in comment section.

Monday 27 May 2019

Disney' Aladdin (2019)- Review

Aladdin is Disney's live action remake movie. No one can forget 1992 Genie (Robin Williamson). In 2019, Hollywood superstar Will Smith acted as Genie. This movie accuses ambi opinions among the audience. Let's go for an honest review.

The film making is awesome and it is incredable. Technically it is a strong movie from Disney. The major drawback is an exact remake of 1992. This is both the positive and negative for the film. If a film is remake, the comparison is unavoidable. Most of the times, classic version has received better reception than modern remake.

For example, Bladerunner, Termiantor, Jurassic Park etc. There are some movie which is far better than classics, Ex: Marvel series, Sherlock Holmes. This Aladdin is an exact middle position when it come to comparison.

If you have watched 1992 version, you will feel classic version is better. If you do not watch, this one feels better. However, this remake is a blasting entertainment for two hours.

There may be mixed opinion regarding Gene character and CGI in this remake. Will Smith suits well for this character but he does not give much effort. This character is not a challenging for him so he gives what it is need to be.

In several places, the characters are artificial on their expressions. The screenplay and the music make us to forget all this mistakes.
Overall, Aladdin is worth to watch in theatres and definitely it will be a fun.

Imdb 7.4/10
Sharkz Scale 7/10

Friday 17 May 2019

Valentine: The Dark Avenger- A super hero movie review

Valentine: The Dark Avenger is an Indonesian Super Hero movie by Skylark Comics. It is an new era in super hero genre which contains simplicity. Unlike Marvel and DC it does not contain heroism, high budget etc. It is a simple super hero movie in a short duration.

Batavia is a beautiful city but it is no longer safe. Crime rate is gradually increase and people become more selfish. Mathew settle wants to give hope to the city and he chooses a simple girl from cafe for his dream Valentine project. She is the girl who mastered in martial arts.

People start to get hope from this new super hero. As usual the antagonist The Shadow enters into Batavia city and the quarrel goes on. The reason major success for the film is climax twist and an answer for her dad's murder.

The movie concept reminds some blockbuster films like Hancock, The Batman etc. It has some similarities with the elements of DC comics. But these comparisons are unavoidable.

It is an only superhero movie which has less number of vfx. The action blocks are based on martial arts so the action sequences are reliable.
If the Skylark comics comes up with better storyline or something more unique (already this film contains new concept) The Valentine cannot be neglected in the super hero genre. Over all the film is so simple and it is worth to spend time for 97 minutes.

IMDB 6.2/10

Thursday 16 May 2019

AI Raising (2019)- Movie Review

AI Raising is a controversial film which talks about the relationship between an isolated man and an android slave girl in spaceship.

Eighty percent of the film contains softcore porn scenes. It is better to be watch alone. The important thing is that you will not feel like watching porn. It is much needed one for this film.

A man is sent to space for an unnamed mission. The company has sent an andriod slave girl to help him. Infact it looks like real hot chick. He used the android for sex only.

Then he started to feel love for the slave computer. Because of over sex she turns into human and started to feel the feelings (It is the biggest mistake in the film. Is sex enough to robo become human). What will happen at the end? You can watch this movie if you want to know. No spoilers here.

There is no twists and turns but only sex. Even though it is a softcore you are not aroused. Without those scenes the film is nothing. The film makes us to think and fear about future. We can easily connect with our present situation (some countries are started to make sex toys/VR girls etc).

It is low budget film and it is presented with their best effort. The technicians make us to feel like watching spielberg movie. Overall AI Raising is worth to spend time, if you see this as a science fiction.

IMDB 6.2/10

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Polar (2019)- A netfilx movie review

Polar is a new dimensional neo-noir based film. The protagonist Duncan, a serial killer is going to retire from his job. His company has to give pension amont which contains some millions of money.

If an employee dies in his duty, the company will takeover those money. They try to assasinate Duncan. Then the movie follows controversial elements like noir life style, starving for hardcore sex and bloody violence etc.

The film is strictly for adults because it contains sexual explicits and blood violence. The predictable screenplay of the film is both positive and negative for this film. This plot requires this weakness at the same time the predictable screenplay lags in middle.

The BGM adds extra-terristial situation for a neo-noir film. Even though the actor is aged he still looks stylish. There are some logical mistakes but the movie do not let you think those mistakes.

The most beautiful thing is the climax twist which makes us to forgot all the negative elements. The film underlies the fact KARMA IS A BITCH. Polar is a guranteed horrible entertainer and it will engage you for two hours.

Overall polar is worth to spend your time with your friends. The best option is to watch in theatres to get better experience of neo-noir film.

IMDB- 6.5/10

Tuesday 14 May 2019

The Best Awkward Moments

Everyone has to experience two types of moments in their life. The delightful moments and The awkward moments. We do not have to worry about the delightful but have to worry about awkward. Sometimes it may funny but at sometimes it will create some issues. Here are the list of some awkward moments commonly experienced by us...

1. Itching in our body parts. If you meet your fiance or higher officials for first time, it may go well. Sometimes itching started to grow in the middle of the talk.. It is a horrible thing to itch our private places in front of them. We have to control because the impression may be lost.

2. If we lie, we will get caught. If we lie to friends for our comfort.. Some of the third persons are born to release those lie in front of our friends. Otherwise they can not get enogh sleep.

3.  If you go for dating with your girlfriend, you will serve the drinks very politely. At sometimes it may fall on their favourite costly dress. There are two possible outcomes. It will result breakup or she will call you as idiot.

4. Laziness is the bisggest enemy of all. If you postponed your studies, you will get fail within one or two marks you may happy that you are missed by very close. Your friends or masters will say whatever the near miss, missed is missed.

5. Sometimes we have to laugh in front of relatives for their worst jokes. Otherwise they will think that you are having head weight.

Still more moments is to come in part two..

Comment your awkward moment if you have experience.. I will add your moments on next part.

Have a happy reading

Thursday 2 May 2019

Fighting With My Family (2019)- Movie Review

After continous failures from WWE studios, Fighting With My Family is a huge come back for them. It is a casual motivational sports film without any unnecessary hero worships. Another reason for the success is nothing but a combination of biography and fiction.

It is the real story of WWE's The Youngest Divas Champion Paige. She a is from a wrestling family. Paige and her brother try to get a contract from WWE. Unfortunately, Paige gets the opportunity but his brother Zak is not.

Paige has to move from home and she faces the world for the first time. She faces many difficulties and she becomes The youngest Divas Champion in WWE history. Still, She is the youngest champion.

The beauty of the film that is interweaved with WWE stage. We know that wwe is fixed but the beats are real. Even though it is fixed crowd chanting is not possible.  But Paige achieves in her debut Raw match and won the divas championship from AJ LEE. This is the real beauty of the film. If a sports event is fixed, it is hard to make a movie on that event. Here, they have proved that they can make it.

Hats-Off to Dwane Johnson (The Rock) for believing Paige's story and accept to produce the film. This shows the experience and maturity of Rock's cini field. The thunder claps to Florence who lived as Paige and tge flowers to the director Stephen for this comic motivational film. Overall the film gives you the positive vibes and must watchable with your family

IMDB 7.5/10
Sharkz scale 7/10