Wednesday 27 May 2015

Knowing You Know Nothing

You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life.

                   -WINSTON CHURCHILL


The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.

                    -WALT DISNEY


A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.

                    -JOHN LUBBOCK


Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

                    -WINSTON CHURCHILL


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.



Tuesday 26 May 2015

San Andreas - Pre Review

San Andreas is an upcoming American action-adventure disaster film directed by Brad Peyton and written by Allan LoebCarlton CuseCarey Hayes and Chad Hayes, based on the original script by Jeremy Passmore and Andre Fabrizio (Cuse receives sole screenplay credit onscreen, from a story by Passmore and Fabrizio). The film stars Dwayne JohnsonCarla GuginoAlexandra Daddario, and Paul Giamatti.
Principal photography of the film began on April 22, 2014 in Australia and wrapped up on July 27 in San Francisco. The film will be released worldwide in 2D and 3D on May 29, 2015.
After a devastating earthquake hits California, a Los Angeles Fire Department rescue-helicopter pilot (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) and his ex-wife (Carla Gugino) attempt to leave Los Angeles and head to San Francisco to find and rescue their estranged daughter (Alexandra Daddario).

On October 14, 2013, Dwayne Johnson closed a deal to star in the film, playing the role of a helicopter pilot searching for his daughter after an earthquake. On February 4, 2014, Alexandra Daddario joined the cast. On March 12, 2014, Carla Gugino joined the cast, reuniting with Dwayne Johnson, with whom she starred in Race to Witch Mountainand Faster. 
On March 14, 2014, Game of Thrones actor Art Parkinson joined the film's cast. On April 1, 2014, Archie Panjabi joined the earthquake film. On April 5, 2014,Todd Williams also joined the film. He'll play Marcus Crowlings, an old Army friend of Johnson. On April 15, 2014, Colton Haynes was added to the cast of the film.On April 29, Ioan Gruffudd joined the cast of the film. Gruffudd will play Daniel Reddick, a wealthy real estate developer who’s engaged to Johnson’s ex-wife.On May 28, Will Yun Leejoined the cast to play Dr. Kim Chung, the co-director of the Caltech Seismology Lab in the film. On June 11, Australian actress Kylie Minogue joined the film.

(Dwayne Johnson)ROCK is going to ROCK.... thanks to wikipedia

Monday 25 May 2015

The Real Socialists

If you here the word transgender, you will automatically start to laugh. We start to tease them and hurt them. I am seeing many people who are acting like this. There no inequality between genders. All are equal in God's creation. Till now many people are believing that there are only two genders. They are forgetting the third gender.

The third gender is also called TRANSGENDER. Some people thought that they are new comers. This is the wrong fact. They are living among us from ancient time. They doesn't get separate identity even though they have talent. They are only recognized as beggars, prostitutes etc. regarding Indian country. Minimal numbers of them are only surviving today.

But now there is a sun rise in their life. Indian government started to concentrate on this third gender.
It starts to give specific importance in all fields now a days. They started to show their faces on many professionals such as media , call centers , linguistics ,  journalism etc. They are active participants in all social activities now a days. They are proving that they are humans also. If you wanna help them, just treat them as human being.

                                          MANIMARAN. Coimbatore (Tamil)
                                          Karthick. Coimbatore (Translated in English)

For more discussion
FB id sharkykarthick

Russian Formalism - Basics

The Moscow Linguistic circle 1920's and 1930's is forefront of formalist criticism.

Some of them are Boris, Vitor Shklovsky, Roman Jackobson and Juri Tynayanov. Their main principles are as follows:

1. Poetry was a special function of language.

2. Literary analysis could be accurate.

3. It was possible to discover the underlying formulae or structures of literary texts by a study of its devices.

Shklovsky - De familiarization:

It is the process of looking ordinary things and familiar objects as different perspectives by the use of language.

The Prague school of structuralists:

Roman Jackobson - a Russian immigrant, was one of the central figures. The central tencent of the Prague School is 'language is a coherent system fulfilling the range of functions in society'

Roman Jackobson:

Selection and Combination are the two ways for language operation. His model is..

Referential (context)
Emotive (Addresser)    Poetic (message)     Conatative (Addresse) 
Phatic (contact)        
Meta lingual (code)  


                                                                        - to be continue...

Porn Addiction

 It is not awkward topic. It is needed topic to discuss particularly for parents who had teens.

PORN ADDICTION is the latest phrase which is frequently known by all teens. It means to addict for porn pictures and movies. In certain stage they are unable to control watching porn sites. They are enjoying themselves with porn pictures and images. It leads to psychological problems and severe impact on one child’s life. This is the highest peak position in porn addiction stage.

Addict to porn does not depend on gender, age etc. It is the most common to all. Most of the people overcome it and some of the people are can’t. it affects their whole life. It is hard to find porn addicted people because they are looking as normal and some of them are socially flexible. They are not making anything dangerous things to people or other children. The main reason for porn addiction is suffered sexually by some other believing person in childhood.

At first they are unable to identify their problem. Slowly they started to watch movies and images. They log on to many porn sites and became addicted. There is chance to make a big gap between them and social surroundings. There may chance to attain gap with their relationships.


1. They are always sitting near in front of computers. (for sites and chatting)

2. They became so nervous even in simple matters.

3. They start to quarrel with parents if they get disturbed by them.

4. They will get pleasure by showing organs to others. (Exhibitionism)

5. Health problems.

How to Overcome:

1. Keep busy always. There must not be anytime to thing about porn and dating sites.

2. Identify your separate skills and develop yourself.

3. Don’t be alone. Spend time with your friends and parents.

4. Give value to the relationships.

5. Give value to the opposite genders.
6. Spirituality is the better way to attain peace in mind.

7. By helping others.

            If you try to follow those things you can be a survivor. Another best solution is to contact psychologist in your city. He will give better solution for this common problem. No need to fear about this. This is the common for all humans. Some survives and some fell.


Note: This essay is mainly for parents.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Ferdinand De Saussure - Litearary theory Basics

Ferdinand de Saussure introduced terms called LANGUE and PAROLE.

          Langue – set of rules in language

          Parole – is everyday speech.

Saussure’s relational theory of language:

1.                          Words existed in relation to other words

2.                         The meaning of each word was dependent upon the meaning of other words.

His principal regarding language:

         Arbitrariness: word connections by conventions

        Rationality: word makes sense to us

        Systematically: the structure of language system ensures that we recognize difference.


                                                              -to be continue

Saturday 23 May 2015

Break-up (Poem for Youths)

He knows this will not work;
She knows this will not work;
He is in state of condition to get work
But they work on each other.

By holding hands,
By holding mouth twister,
So our Earth causes real twister.
Parents believe him and her;
They ne’er care.

The intangible force made them
To made fun.
This is the life’s pun…
One who crosses this pun?
Enjoy real fun.

There are many examples
Sacrifice all luxuries of love.
Be an example for one time
Sacrifice your lust really
For parents, teacher, friends.

If you follow for onetime,
You always safe for all time.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Literary theory Basics - Aristotle & Structuralism

Aristotle's major critical work 'Poetic and Rhetoric'

Poetic - deals with art of poetry
Rhetoric - deals with art of speech

The main purpose of this work is to establish the characteristic features of good poet and good orator.

Regarding Drama he says, "Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete and of a certain magnitude"

Aristotle's six constituent parts of tragedy: Plot, Characters, Thought, Diction, Song, Spectacle.

"without action there cannot be a tragedy" by Aristotle.


          It emphasis on the language. New criticism is a term coined by JOHN RANSOM'S ESSAY (1941) . It is must to deal with New criticism before deal with structuralism. It creates new ideas and thoughts regarding the work. Structuralists believed the world is organized as structures.

Ferdinand de Saussure's 'A Course in General Linguistics' significant moves in his analysis of language. He coined the two terms called LANGUE & PAROLE............

                           -To Be Continue......

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Daughter's Letter to her Mother

'Where there is a will there is a way"...
Yes, You are my Will.. And wherever you are, there is a way for me!

When I was crying, u made me giggle...
When I fell down as a toddler, you gave your hands to help me out...

When I did not do my homeworks and slept off early, you did them burning your midnight oil for years together...

When I wanted to learn driving a motorcycle, you were the only one ready to trust my driving and sat behind me...

When I wanted to cry, you let yourself to be ever-audible ears...
When I wanted to celebrate, you became the joy...

When I was starving, you sacrificed your share of food saying you did not feel hungry!
Yes, You are my Way, extending and bending for my needs, leaving away your actual track!
There can never be another person like you...

The best mother ever!
P.S.: I Kindly apologize for eavesdropping you all those months I was in your womb! 

                                -   RAGHAVI NARAYAN , COIMBATOREtongue emotic

Congratz DIDI

He was two. She was ten. She played many games with him. She forgave many games for him. She took care like his own brother. She used to play scold him many times.

She lived near his house once upon a time. Fate and time played their game. Her family moved off for her dad's professional reasons. His family also moved for various personal reasons...

Time passed away. After many years her father came to his home to invite his family to her marriage function. He was in eager to meet her.

He could remember all the things except her face. Once again he saw his old photos.

It was at the time of her marriage. She came and settled down with bridegroom at the stage. He wanted to go to stage and introduce himself who he was. He was in doubt whether she remembered or not.

He decided to finish dinner. After dinner he slowly moved towards the stage. He saw her innocence. She smiled beautifully. Suddenly there appeared some hesitation on him. He said in his inner mind CONGRATZ DIDI...

He moved fastly towards road without meeting her.. Is it possible people are living with their childhood memories in this materialistic world.. Whose mistake is that..? Boy's mistake or fate's mistake..? 

I hope most of us had this experience..... thanks for reading this..


The First Condition of Art

A friend is what the heart needs all the time.
          - Henry Van Dyke


Insight is the first condition of art.

          -George Henry Lewes


I came, I saw, I conquered.

          -Julius Caeser


keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

          -Helen Keller


Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.

          -Lyndon B.Johnson


Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

          - George Bernard Shaw


If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

         - Fredrick Douglass


A man is known by the company his mind keeps.

         -Thomas bailey Aldrich


Miracles happen everyday , change your perception of what a miracle is and you will see them all around you.

         -Jon Bon Jovi


Tuesday 19 May 2015

Broken Heart - Real Life Narration

A girl of 4 gave me a biscuit wit so much affection, that her affection for the biscuit seemed to be lesser than that for me... 

She left a few mins later...

I got it from her, and unknowingly, I slipped it over the floor and it broke down into pieces.. Apart from just breaking down, it got mixed with a lot of dust and tasted dirty...

Sometime later she came back and saw the broken pieces of biscuit and tasted a piece, even after I insisted her not to do so..

She uttered, "Akka, I gave you the biscuit with a lot of love for you, but you have broken it! frown emoticon "..
Her innocence left me with a heavy heart..

- This is the condition of a secret entrusted in a friend...

Credit goes to RAGHAVI, Coimbatore.

Friday 8 May 2015


OCCASIONAL POEMS: This poems are written to adorn or memorize a specific occasion, such as a birthday, a marriage, a death, a military engagement or victory, the dedication of a public building or the opening performance of the play.

ODE: It is a long lyrical poem, serious in subject, elevated in style, and elaborate in its stanzaic structure.

OLD ENGLISH PERIOD: It is also called ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD. It extended from the invasion of Celtic England by Germaniac tribes in the half of the fifth century to the conquest of England in 1066 by the Norman French.

PANTOMIME: It is acting without speech, using only posture, gesture, bodily movement, and exaggerated facial expression to mime a character's actions and to express a character's feelings.

PARADOX: A paradox is a statement which seems on its face to be self-contradictory or absurd, yet turns out to have a valid meaning.

PASTORAL: The originator of the pastoral was Theocritus. It is an expression of an urban poet's nostalgic image of the peace and simplicity of the life of shepherds and other rural folk in an idealized natural setting.

PATHETIC FALLACY: It was a phrase invented by John Ruskin in 1856 to signify the attribution to natural objects of human capacities and feelings.

PLOT: The plot in a dramatic or narrative work is the structure of its actions, as these are ordered and rendered toward achieving particular emotional and artistic effects.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Sweet Mistake Of My Life

Once I was walked with her for 1000 meters
It seemed to be 10 meters..
Now I am walking alone for 1000 meters
It seems to be 100000 meters..

Once I talked with her several hours
It seemed fraction of secondz..
Now I am unable to take
That pleasure..
Which is now measure.

Once I laughed with her
I acted like a Joker..
In fact a woman are the best maker
Not only in kitchen.

I am sitting, walking, coming, going
talking, little laughing, reading, writing...
May be I am not a Robot
I am hardly REBOOT

Wednesday 6 May 2015


Dark Places is an upcoming mystery film directed and written by Gilles Paquet-Brenner. It is based on the novel Dark Places byGillian Flynn. It stars Charlize TheronChristina HendricksNicholas Hoult and Chloë Grace Moretz.
The film will be released in the United States on August 7, 2015 courtesy of A24 Films.
Set in a farming town in Kansas, Dark Places follows Libby Day (Charlize Theron), the only surviving witness of a horrific massacre that took her mother and sisters. Believing the slaughter to be the work of a Satanic cult, Libby testifies in court against her own brother. 25 years after the murder, she remains haunted by the gruesome violence of her past when she meets a group of amateur investigators who call themselves "The Kill Club". Looking to satisfy their morbid curiosity, the group begins their own inquiry about the case, believing Libby's brother is innocent. In order to help them, Libby must unearth painful memories of the event and learn that her past may not be what it seems.

Be prepare for another dark place......

thanks to wikipedia

Hope-Spring season

The best way to be missed when you are gone is to stand for something when you are here.
                     -SETH GODIN,author


Nobody looks crazy when they are having fun.
                   -AMY POEHLER,comedian


The day the lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring.
                    -BERN WILLIAMS,philospher


Setbacks are apart of life, you cannot wish them away. i think you have to deal with them so that you can come back stronger.
                    -SAINA NEHWAL,badminton player


If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse.
                    -JIM ROHN,motivational speaker


Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice.
                     -HENRY FORD


If you are not yelling at your kids, you are not spending enough time with him.
                   -REESE WITHERSPOON,actress



Tuesday 5 May 2015

A smart foolish generation

In India the trending topic is net neutrality. There are many countries already solved this issue but in India it is just started. There are bigger than net neutrality to be discussed. Privacy of an individual person becomes a big question mark. Everyone becomes part of social network in this techno era. Most of the world population involves in any one of the social networks such as Facebook, twitter, whats app, BBM etc. So what is their status(social networks).

In fact they are stealing our privacy. We are spying by someone. They can go through all our activities via Facebook, whats app, twitter etc. For example you are going to sign in Whats app or Facebook what re the required information? Mobile number, e-mail address sometimes location. In mobile there is an option called location to protection from theft.  By Hidden it is  a kind of spying work. Suppose if we msg personally on whats app  the location option in our mobile shows what are we doing. In one point of view it seems good to spot illegal issues and there is also chance for misusing.

The real incident: Adult chat is becomes common in now a days. A girl is doing adult chat and decides to send her naked picture to her boyfriend. She takes selfie but accidentally it send to one of the group she has in whats app(a mouth talk). From this incident we come to conclude be careful during using techno gadgets. Main thing is to avoid snap sharing in social networks. It may spoil one’s future.

TECHNO BECOMES SMART;BUT WE?????? Think it. Don’t misuse



I am a normal student who doesn't much involve studies and like to spend time by entertainment. Some how I manage to get first class in UG. I am trying to get government job by writing many exams. Still write. Because of unawareness of knowledge used to spend more time on useless movies etc on summer holidays. From UG I have an ambition to get seat at university for my PG career. By the luck I get seat at university. After I joining here I realizes how the knowledge is important for a person to survive. My faculties uses some phrases like “THIS IS KNOWLEDGE ERA” “NOW THERE IS REVOLUTION ON TECHNOLOGY” they set separate WIFI facility for learning. Now I realizing the importance of knowledge and started to work on to survive in this battle field.


I am standing like a giant in the corner of the city. I occupied nearly 1500 acres of land. My purpose is to give protection from hot and freezing for the students here. There are many students admitting and going per year. I am consists of so many department. I get good grade from many authorities. In this year a boy come and spends of his time in the classroom for entertainment. He doesn't aware on what kind of life and what kind of obstacles he is going to be face. I give some place to fit WIFI on my head. At beginning all the students including him started to use only for FB, What’s app etc. now they are realized how the world will give tough competition for them. Now they work on education to survive their daily life.

The content differs depends upon the narrator.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Basic Literary Terms - II


          It is applied to the reigns of the four successive Georges (1714-1830) and to the reign of George V (1910-1936).

Graveyard poets: 

         A term applied to eighteenth century poets who wrote meditative poems, usually set in a graveyard, on the theme of human mortality and in moods which range from elegiac pensiveness to profound gloom.


          The figure of speech called hyperbole is bold overstatement, or extravagant exaggeration of fact, used either for serious or comic effect.


          It applies range all the way from the “mental pictures” which, it is claimed, are experienced by the reader of a poem, to the totality of the elements which make up a poem.

Intentional Fallacy:

          It identifies what is held to be the error of interpreting or evaluating a work by reference to the intention-the design or plan-of the author in writing the work.

Jacobean Age: 

          The reign of James I 1603-1625, this followed the Elizabethan age. This was the period in prose writings of Bacon, Donne’s sermons, Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy and the King James translation of Bible.


          It is a term applied to a variety of poems by medieval French writers in the latter 12th and 13th centuries.

Light Verse:

          It uses the ordinary speaking voice and a relaxed manner to treat its subjects gaily, or comically, or whimsically, or with good natured satire.

Friday 1 May 2015

Far From The Madding Crowd (2015) - Pre review

Far from the Madding Crowd is an 2015 British romantic drama film directed by Thomas Vinterberg and starring Carey Mulligan, Matthias Schoenaerts, Michael Sheen, Tom Sturridge, and Juno Temple. It is an adaptation of the 1874 novel of the same name by Thomas Hardy. This film marks the fourth time this novel became a film: the second version was directed by John Schlesinger in 1967 with Julie Christie.


In Victorian England, the independent and headstrong farm owner Bathsheba Everdene (Carey Mulligan) attracts three very different suitors: Gabriel Oak (Matthias Schoenaerts), a sheep farmer; Frank Troy (Tom Sturridge), a reckless Sergeant; and William Boldwood (Michael Sheen), a prosperous and mature bachelor.


  • Carey Mulligan as Bathsheba Everdene
  • Matthias Schoenaerts as Gabriel Oak
  • Michael Sheen as William Boldwood
  • Tom Sturridge as Sergeant Frank Troy
  • Juno Temple as Fanny Robin
  • Rowan Hedley as Maryann Money
  • Chris Gallarus as Billy Smallbury
  • Connor Webb as Merchant
  • Penny-Jane Swift as Mrs. Coggan
  • Shaun Ward as Farmer
  • Roderick Swift as Everdene farmer
  • Don J Whistance as Constable
  • Jamie Lee-Hill as Laban Tall


David Nicholls became attached to the film in 2008. In April 2013, it was reported that Matthias Schoenaerts had been offered the role of Gabriel Oak alongside Carey Mulligan as Bathsheba Everdene.Their casting was official in May 2013 with the participation of director Thomas Vinterberg.
Principal photography started on September 16, 2013. The film was shot in Dorset (Sherborne, Mapperton, and Beaminster), Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and London.

Another Classic is on the way... credit goes toWikipedia