Friday 13 August 2021

BrandNew Cherry Flavor (18+) - A Netflix Scary Series Review

 BrandNew Cherry Flavor is a horror and scary series streaming in Netflix. It is based on the novel with the same name Todd Grimson. It is created for television by  Nick Antosca and Lenore Zion. It is starred by Rosa SalazarCatherine KeenerEric LangeManny Jacinto and Jeff Ward.

It is the series about blood, sex, revenge and black things. Lou, a famous director steal Lisa's horror short film into big screen he also tries to misbehave with her. With furious anger Lisa decides to take revenge on Lou. She goes to a mysterious lady and tell about her decision. The mysterious lady agrees to help her. Thus the turn of the events begin.

the politics in the Hollywood is portrayed well in the beginning. The best thing is the story starts from the very beginning and also they show the development of the characters. Rosa's acting is good and all other characters give their best. I hope there are several twists and turns are waiting for us. 

Overall, BrandNew Cherry Flavor is an engaging series and the first season contains eight episodes and it is worth to


IMDB 6.8/10

Sharkz Scale 7/10

Suicide Squad (2021) - An Honest Review

 Suicide Squad (2021) is a sequel to the movie 2016. Personally, I do not feel positive about this movie after this much of hype. May be this overhype causes some kind of unsatisfactory. Literally, I have fallen asleep for quite sometime while I watched this film. I do not know why this have made this kind of incomplete movie. Let's go for review.

The head Amada forms a new squad by DC antagonists. She and her team tries to find out the secret star-fish project which is ready to destroy the world. Guess what? The Squad has went on this mission and attain success. The story is as same as the prequel 2016. Other than Harley Quinn and The Peacemaker, nothing seems to worthy elements.

The characters are very weak and the depth and details are missing. All elements in this film are in bits and pieces. Several details are missing. The Ratcatcher's flashback is good but it makes slow down the monotonous screenplay. The graphics quality is very disappointing and BGM is the only hope to save the film.

I hope the sequel will be good and engaged as Suicide Squad (2016). I do not know why this film has 7.5/10 rating in IMDB. Overall, Suicide Squad (2021) is one time watchable if you are not watched its prequel.

Sharkz Scale 5/10

Wednesday 21 July 2021

Russian Doll (2019) - A Netflix Sci-fi Series Review

Russian Doll (2019) is a sci-fi series from Netflix. The middle-age girl Nadia trapped in a mysterious time loop. It has happend at her birthday. From her birthday, every night she dies and awakes the next day daily.

We have seen many movies with this concept like Happy Death Day and Happy Death Day 2, The Triangle etc., But as a series, it is a fresh one. There are many risks as series in this concept.

For example, if we take a movie with the time-loop concept, the same scenes will be repeated for few times only. If this is taken as series, the same scenes will be repeated by inifinte times untill the end. Suppose, the season one has ten episodes, the scenes had to be repeated for atleast ten times. This is the major risk in this concept.

Russian Doll has not given space for this major drawback and the writers of the show nailed this lackness.  There are six writers and they are aware of this problem. Hats off to their creation.

But there is an another drawback which is the nature of the script and it is unavoidable. There is little bit of lag through the series but it is happened here and there only. The actors' contributions are good and they are given the needed performance.

Overall, Russian Doll is a engaging but not great  thing like movie material. It is worth to watch. 

Imdb 7.9/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Saturday 17 July 2021

Never Have I Ever season 2- A Netflix Series Review

 Never Have I Ever is a Netflix originals. It is created by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher. In the first season, Devi struggles to get an American boyfriend and she also striggles to grasp attention from others as a nerd teenager.

In season 2, Devi has managed to get two American boyfriends. She dates with two boys at the same time. Paxton and the nerdy kid come to know about Devi's shocking behaviour and the controvercy arises.

This speciality of this series is emotional elements. They clearly presents this as an emotional drama. Devi's lack of decision making, Dr.Nalini's insecurity, Fabiola's lesbian plot are all deal with emotional aspects.

All actors performance are good particularly Ben's frustrations over Devi. Overall, Never I Have Ever becomes of the best series in Netflix and joined the queque after Friends, The Bigbang Theory, Sex Education, The IT crowd.

Imdb 7.6/10

Sharkz Scale 6.6/10

Fear Street Part Three 1666- A Netflix Horror Movie Review

 Fear Street Part three 1666 is the final and third sequel to the Fear street movie. It is based on the book by R.L.Stine's Fear Street series. It is an another body slasher movie from Netflix.

The movie starts with the persistance of its prequel. The running time of the film is 110mins. The first half an hour is crawled due to the nature of its screenplay. After, the twisted knots are slowly untied one by one and it start to buzz.

The plot is simple. A group of Shadyside teenagers try to find out the mystery behing horrible murders which are happening in the town. Their investigation leads to terrible history and horrifying secrets.

Once again the director Leigh Janiak roared by her screenplay. The nature of script is slow burn but he makes his magic to become engaging. There is a slight touch of LGBT in the background of the year 1666.

The movie also deals with several aspects such as queer things, satanic things and summoning the devil etc. Apart from the first half an hour, there is no negative elements in this film. 

Overall, Fear Street part thee 1666, is an engaging thriller and horror series and it is not to be skipped. 

Imdb 6.8/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Saturday 10 July 2021

Fear Street- Part two 1978- A Netflix Movie Review

 Fear Street Part two 1978 is an another body slasher film and it is a sequel. It is streaming in Netflix. On behalf of continuation of first part, the sequel is a good one.

This second movie in this triology deals with group of teens try to unravel the mysteries behind the Shadyside curse. As usual the movie has body slashing scenes, violence and an erotic scene etc. So, it has all the qualities of slashing movies.

Even though, we have seen these plot in various films, this film succeeds through the engaging screenplay. The first part ends with the introduction of the survivor C.Berman and the second part begins with the introduction of C.Berman.

The final twist is unexpected and last 45 minutes arises the curiosity among audience. The lead to the third part at the end gears the expectations. The director and the music composer showed their creativity throughout the entire film. The character Cindy scores high in this film.

Overall, Fear Street part two 1978 is an engaging sequel and it creates hype for the next part. It is worth to spend time but not with family.

Imdb 6.8/10

Sharkz scale 7/10

Friday 2 July 2021

The Fear Street: 1994 Part One - A Netflix Movie Review

 The Fear Street 1994: Part One is a horror slasher movie streaming in Netflix. After The Babysitter 2, this is one of the better slasher movies in the covid curfew.

A group of teenagers try to find out the reason for mystical deaths in Shadyside town. Unfortunately, they have come across the story of the Witch Sara and the survivor C.Berman in the year 1978. 

The movies has three parts and the intro of C.Berman marks the end of the first part. Fear Street is based on the series of tweleve books by R.L.Stine. 

This movies contains all the elements of a slasher movie. The chasing of devil/murderer, body slashes, blood splashes and little but of sexual pleasure etc.

The background score is good. The colour and tone of the movie is excellent for a slasher genre. The director Leigh Janiak also gives importance to queer representations through the characters. There are mild lags in the screenplay here and there I hope tge director will correct those lags for the sequels.

Overall, Fear Street 1994: Part One is teen, brutal,bloody, horror, queer and body slasher movie and strictly not suitable for children. It is worth to spend 1.45hrs in this lockdown.

imdb 6.5/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

The Tomorrow War (2021) - Movie Review

 The Tomorrow War (2021) is a sci-fi action movie. We have been watching several alien movies since Alien (1979). If we watch Alien (1979), still it gives goosebumps for us. this is because of the concept and screenplay. Let's see how The Tomorrow War is?

A troop of army comes from thirty years future. They ask for help from current military. Chris Patt also joins with the army and he travels to future to save his daughter. The movie answers whether the humans win the war or not?

As I have said earlier, we have seen several blockbuster alien movies like Alien, The Independence Day, After Earth, Alien VS Predator, The Predator etc. These movies are strong in technical aspects and also in plot and screenplay. So, that we cannot find anything new in the movie The Tomorrow war (2021) except the war that happens in the future.

The only new thing is time travel. The relationship between the hero and his daughter is worked out well. This is also another main reason to grab the audience till the end.

The predictablity of the scenes and tiring alien scenes are the major drawbacks. Lorane Balfe's average background score adds as a kind of positive element in this film. We hope that Chris Mckay will come up with another meaningful movie in the future. 

Overall, The Tomorrow War is not a worst movie but it is one time watchable if you want to pass the time.

Imdb 7/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Loki- A Marvel Webseries Review

Loki, the God of mischief,  tries to escape from the avengers and accidentally he tries to change the timeline. The time authority of police catches Loki and try to rectify the timeline. 

The series starts with the movie THE AVENGERS, and the series starts on. Marvel gives an excellent opening and wonderful base for this series. All the minute details are recorded in this series. Hats off to the marvel and the creators.

The BGM VFX is extra-ordinary and it is sort of beautiful sight. The first episode is named as "Glorious Purpose" and I will not discuss further due to spoilers.

Overall, Loki is an excellent mindbending series and it is worth to watch with your family. It is streaming in Disney+Hotstar OTT. *It must have beed made into a movie.*

Friday 4 June 2021

Sweet Tooth -A Netflix Fantasy Series Review

Sweet Tooth is a post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure series from DC comics. It is based on the characters created by Jeff Lemire.
We can easily relate ourselves to this series. 

The series opens with the mysterious pandemic started to blow out the world. On the mid of the Pandemic, there are new creatures are born called 'Hybrids' (partially human).

The plot is about the hybrid boy Gus's new life after his Pubba's(father) death. His father have warned not to cross the fence in the wild. Unfortunately, the situation forced him to cross the fence with the BIG MAN.

Thus, Gus, the hybrid undertakes a journey to unravel the mystery of his life. This series is interesting because the blended genre (Post-Apoclypse+Fantasy). The BGM and the cinematography is excellent and the director Jim Mickle put all his effort.

I hope the remaining episodes will be interesting and I am definitely watch this series till the end. Overall, Sweet Tooth is an engaging adventurous series and it is worth to spend your time in this covid apocalyptic era.

imdb 8.4/10
Sharkz scale 7/10

Wednesday 2 June 2021



Oh! Pandemic 
How can you be so cruel 
You destroy my lively life 
You destroy my lovely realm 
I have nobody left 
I'm all alone 
Only Tom -- my pet is here
How can you show such demonic mirth 
You are such a curse

Oh! Pandemic 
My day is over
My night sticks as glue
The sky is covered by darkness sight
I can't see any star
I can't see the moon
I can't hear song of life
I lost my rhythms of heart
Oh! Pandemic 
Don't destroy anymore life
Free us from your thirst 
It's enough 
Please listen my words
I'm such a little one
I even can't see the moonlight 
Please go away from our lives

Afrose saad 

The Big Bang Theory- A Netflix Series Review

The Big Bang Theory is one of the best comedy series. It is streaming in Netflix. It has twelve seasons. Initially, I have thought that it is a sci-fi but it is a sci-fi comedy. It is a new genre. We have seen sci-fi thriller, sci-fi action etc. I think it is the first one which belongs to sci-fi comedy.

Let's go for underlying theme.  It is about the life journey of four nerds. It deals with their life journey such as their failed relationships, their achivements etc. It is portrayed in a fun way.

Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj are the nerds. They are not acted; they lived. These people give the lives for the characters. The creators use many scientific principles to create rational comedies. 

Penny, Bernedette, Amy and Stuart are another spicy addition in this series. No wonder this series become enjoyable and entertaining one. Very few places contain adult jokes but it does not matter.
A salute for the creators Chuck Lore and Bill Prady. Overall The Big Bang theory is an American Sitcom, a meaningless meaningful excellent comedy series and it is worth to watch.

Imdb - 8.1/10
Sharkz Scale 8/10

Sunday 30 May 2021

Girl from Nowhere- A Netflix Horror Series Review

 Girl from Nowhere is an unique horror series from Netflix. It is directed by Jatophong and Rungrueangdechaphat. This series revolves around a mysterious girl Nanno, and her sweet revenge upon wrongers. 

Often, Nanno changes her highschool, on those schools, there must be some issue and she is going to punish/seek revenge. This series has two seasons. It is a kind of horror/mysterious/fairy anthology series. Each episode deals with an issue. 

Few episodes are slow burning and illogical but it is fair to accept few logics. Some concluding scenes are hard to accept and some concepts are controversial.

We can see the corrupted system of education, corrupted boys/girls, corrupted teachers, bribes throughout the entire series. The girl Nanno's revenge is a common revenge for education system.

Nanno's acting is excellent and her mysterious laugh is scared everyone. The settings, Bgm and screenplay is good enough. We are looking forward to see Nanno's back story. Overall, Girl from Nowhere is an adult engaging series amd it is not execellent and not an average but it is a good time pass in this quarantine.

Imdb 7.7/10

Sharkz Scale 6/10

Saturday 29 May 2021

Secret Magic Controlling Agency-Hansel and Gretel-A Netflix Movie Review

 Secret Magic Controlling Agency is an another colourful animated movie based on Hansel and Gretel fairy tale stories. This film targets kid-audiences and it is succeeds. For adults, it suxxeeds.

The King have kidnapped by a witch, and the agency assigned Hensel and Gretel to unravel the mystery. It has all the qualities of a good animation movies but lacks in satisfying the grown up audiences.

There are several animated movies which is popular among adults like Frozen, Soul, Toy Story, Barbie, Spies in Disguise, Angry Birds, Mars need moms, The Increadables etc. It should be focussed on adult audiences also.

The BGM and the animation is excellent quality and the Netflix platform gives life by his streaming quality. This movie has several colourful aspects and it is definitely a quarantine treat for children.

The direction and the screenplay also focus on kids and they are able to satisfy them. Overall, the movie is engaging and it will be more entertaining if they give space for adult audiences.

Imdb 6.4/10

Sharkz Scale 5/10

Friday 30 April 2021

The Mitchells VS The Machines - A Netflix Animated Movie

The Mitchells VS The machines is a sony animated comedy film written and directed by Micheal Rianda.The film is about the togetherness of a family in the mid of Robotic Apocalypse. Some movies are to be watched; some movies are to be enjoyed but very few movies are to be experienced. This movie belongs to the third category which is to be experienced.

The movie talks about how the humanity gradually loses its way because of technology. The movie portrays the realistic views of technology addiction. Due to the addiction, the human relationships are destroyed. A technology called PAL tries to create own robotic universe and Mitchell's family tries to save the world from apocalypse.

The relationship between Mitchell and her father gives an emotional touch. There is no thing called 'the perfect family' only the understanding matters. This movie portrays how a weird family turns into a perfect family. The VFX team has worked a lot and their hard work makes us to experience. Mark Mothersbaugh's music gives life to lifeless animation. 

The movie gives an extra-ordinary joy and gives positive vibe. Even though I have watched in OTT, it gives theatre experience. Overall, The Mitchells VS The machines is a wonderful journey and must be undertake with your family.

IMDB- 8/10

Sharkz Scale 8.5/10

Thursday 15 April 2021

The Soul (2021)- A Netflix Thriller Movie Review

 The Soul (2021) is a Taiwan suspense thriller movie directed by Cheng wei Hao. A prosecutor (The Protagonist) and his wife investigates a death of a businessman and finds shocking secrets behind the murder.

A good suspense film must give opportunity for audience's brain. This movie gives an opportunity to the audiences to think and it is worked well. The screenplay is little bit of slow here and there but it is the nature of the plot. 

After an hour, the knots are untying one by one is a beautiful thing and it is handled perfectly. There are some unexpected twists also. There are few negatives but it is overcame by the quality of the film. The colouring and the BGM is good. Overall, The Soul is a wonderful suspense thriller and it is definitely worth to watch.

IMDB 6.9/10

Sharkz Scale 7/10

Sunday 11 April 2021

Behind Her Eyes (2021)- A Netflix Thriller series review

          Behind Her Eyes (2021) is a thriller series and it is streaming in Netflix. This series is a kind of pearl and it totally gives an unique experience. It is based on the novel with the same name by Sarah Pinborough. It is starred by Simona Brown, Tom Bateman, Eve Hewson and Robert Aramayo.

          Each character gives their best in this series. The screenplay is extraordinary and it creates curiosity in every episode. The final twist is shocking and unexpected. It is unable to digest it too.

          It is a good work by Steve Lightfoot. I hope the best is not coming yet. Still, he hides his inner talent. The season one contains six episodes and people are eager to watch the second season.

          The positive and negative side of the series are the development of the characters and situations. There are some drags in the first two episodes and it is gradually started to pick up from the third episode. This is the nature of the plot and we can do nothing about it. 

         This dragness is balanced by the screenplay and acting. Overall, Behind Her Eyes (18+) is an extraordinary thriller series and it joins into don't miss it category.

Sharkz Scale 8/10

Imdb 7.2/10

Thunder Force (2021) -A Netflix Movie Review

           Thunder Force (2021) is a netflix's millionth super hero movie with silly screenplay with the childish plot. Lydia and Emily are childhood friends. Emily's parents are killed by super inhumans and she vows to stop super humans. Lydia wants to spend her spare time but Emily wants to spend their time in the studies. So, their friendship is called off.

           Accidentally, Lydia gets super power and this power helps to reunite with Emily. They both together try to stop the super villains. 

           The cinematography is looking fresh and the BGM is good. Otherwise, the movie is looking ridiculous. The director Ben Falcone not even try to work for this film. The film has all the basic drawbacks like predictablity, regular hero movie etc. The VFX is good but the screenplay did not give any space for more action scenes. The movie is childish and it is not suitable for above even above ten years.

            Anyway, we can expect a better super hero movie from the Netflix soon. Better luck next time for the director and the writer.

Sharkz Scale 3.5/10

IMDB 4/10

Thursday 7 January 2021

Vanguard (2020)- Jackie Chan's Movie Review

Really I do not know what happened to Jackie Chan's story selection. He keeps acting on repeated plots. Anyway, here is the review of Vanguard(2020). The plot is simple. An accountant's life is in danger. Vanguard, a private security centre for VIP's tries to protect him. Then as usual chasing and fighting are happening throughout the film.

This movie is watchable only for Jackie Chan. He is marvellous and charming. Even at this age no one can say how his movements are this much fast and still he is doing his own stunts without dupe.

The director is Stanley Tong, who has given the biggest blockbusters like Police Story, CZ 2012, China Strike Force, The Myth, Rumble in the Bronx etc. Even he failed at this time too. May be this film will be a lesson to him.

Other characters are tried to balance Jackie's character but they are not getting even near to Jackie Chan. The music and locations are excellent and the stunt is also good.
There is no use of excellent stunts without proper screenplay or story.

Overall, Vanguard (2020) one tine watchable with your family beacuse of Jackie Chan only.

IMDB 4.6/10
Sharkz Scale 3/10

Tuesday 5 January 2021

History of Swear Words (2020)- A Netflix Original Comedy Series

 History of Swear Words (2020) is an American documentary hosted by the famous actor Nicholas Cage. This is the search of piles of swear words' origin and its usage. There are several scientists, Meta-Cognists and Swear Word researchers' discussions throughout this series. Even though it deals with the pile of swear words it is not awkward.

It is fun as well as informative too. The first season has six episodes. Each episode deals with a particular swear word. The swear words are given as title for each episode. The titles are as follows:

1. F**CK

2. SH*T


4. D**K

5. PU**Y

6. DAMN.

The running time of each episode is not more than 20 minutes. So, it is short and precise. The hosting style of Nicolas Cage is charming and his appearance looks like an ETYMOLOGIST. It is not the meanest one and it is a knowledge on swear words. They discuss about the first usage, reason for the word coinage and how it is emotionally connected to our real life. Sometimes, we may contradict to the statements in this series but it is the reality. 

Overall, History of Swear Words (2020) is fun and informative and it is a word of wit.

IMDB 6.7/10

SHARKZ Scale 7/10

Wonder Woman (1984)- A DC Superhero Movie Review

 Wonder Woman 1984 is a marvellous movie from DC universe. As usual, it is a typical super hero movie directed by Patty Jenkins. The movie tries to teach achieve anything in an honest way. The movie talks about how to overcome greed and become an honest man. This story line becomes more as an advice and it become over sweet. Later part of the movie proves the proverb SWEETS ARE THE USES OF ADVERSITY. Over advice makes this film as normal super hero movie and it is a major drawback.

The first half an hour is awesome and there is no words to describe the cinematography. The introduction of Wonder Woman is also a good part. These introduction scenes create higher expectation for remaining movie and it fails to satisfy the audience. This is the major cause for the failure of this screenplay.

Gal Gadot is a sole survivor of this film. Like prequel, she carries the whole movie till the end. The return of Steve Trevour is an excellent idea and the villianious characterisation of Maxwell Lord is quite different. Apart from these few things movie fails to satisfy the craze of the audience. Graphics also just an average in few scenes.

Overall, Wonder Woman 1984 is worth to watch with your family but it is not fully satisfied one.

IMDB 5.3/10


What Men Want (2019) Movie Review

 What Men Want (2019) is a fantasy comedy directed by Adam Shankman. It about a lady's survival in a world of male dominated society with her supernatural ability. Davis is a successful sports agent and she is often kicked out by her male collegues. She is not given deserved credit by her male boss. She wants to conquer this male dominated office.

One day she have met a psychic and she have got ability to hear men's inner thought. Using this ability she tries to become more successful agent in her office. Because of her ability she have fell into a kind of WELL and she tries to correct her mistakes. It is a positive and feel good movie.

Taraji Penda Henson is the giant pillar for this movie. She carries the whole movie by her shoulder till the end. She makes this average screenplay into a good one by her emotional expressions. There are several movies with this kind of story line so the director cannot stand unique with his screenplay. Still, there are several scenes have already seen in various films. There are three screenplay writers for this film but they have put the effort of one person only.

Brain Tyler's music and Jim's cinematography add tasty flavour to this film and it gives pleasant experience. I promise that you will feel good about yourself after you watch the film completely apart from few drawbacks. Overall, What Men Want (2019) is a worth one to watch in this quaratine (18+ only due to f** word and few sexually explicit scenes).

IMDB 5.3/10

SHARKZ Scale 6/10